


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Name Meaning

dual-meaning (meant to be a pun): "an adult male deer" OR "(heart) the central part of something"



Romantic/Sexual Orientation



1 - 5 (during storyline)


May 19th






White-tailed deer


Baron (father, deceased), Fawna (mother)

Personality Traits

Anxious, cautious, pretty clever, encouraging, optimistic, can be a little too eager at times


Hart was the lone son of two deer, Baron and Fawna. Though Baron was considered to be the most dominant deer in the forest, Hart was ridiculed due to his status as a runt. Many thought of him as a waste of resources and therefore wanted him either driven out of the area and disowned or (in some extreme cases) dead. His father often put others in their place, however.

His support didn't last long, as when a hunter confronted Fawna as she was foraging for food, Baron jumped in (literally) to protect her and ended up getting shot in a brief scuffle, killing him. Fawna ended up raising Hart on her own from there on out, and he ended up getting cornered and attacked more than once because she couldn't always be there to protect him for one reason or another. He has a scar on his chest from one particularly bad fight.

It was in this same fight that he met Kirin, who had been on a walk with Scorch and ran off when she heard the disturbance. Thinking she was some sort of "dragon" that was going to "eat them," the deer attatcking Hart ran off, leaving Kirin and Hart to talk. Fawna eventually came back to find the two of them chatting and took her son back to her den to treat his wound, but from that point on Hart and Kirin started what would develop into a close friendship.

With Kirin then known as his ally, Hart wasn't attacked as often out of fear that he could call on her for protection. He was able to grow up in peace, growing to be just as tall as his father had been, though not quite as strong. Despite this, he was optimistic that he would live out a normal life, and wasn't as afriad of confrontation. Though Kirin was never supposed to befriend any animals outside her species, Hart was the one exception she had to make, and he became more supportive of her than she could ever ask for.

Scorch, Strike, and Agate know of Kirin's friendship with Hart, and are willing to help her hide it.


Side Notes:

-uhhhh he's not really plot-relevant anymore and will probably be cut from the story but I still love him <3