


4 years, 6 months ago



  • Began as a small dream deity, creating nightmares and chaos
  • Cannot smell with his own nose
  • A hint if he ever appears to you... Do not speak to him the way you would a man of royalties and status. Snarl at him, walk away from him, flirt with him. Do something you shouldn't do to someone who is holding your life between his claws. Be unpredictable, he loves that


 AGE  Centuries Old
 ORIENTATION  Polygamous Pansexual 
 OCCUPATION  God of Chaos
 THEME Cradles
(Chaotic and copy pasted from discord, will make neater and reorganize later. Warning for mentions of abuse and death)

He very much so exists in reality too, but he mostly haunts dreams. When he latches onto particular cinna's dreams he will begin to appear in the real world too, illusions and in their mind... Until one day he's there. If hes obsessing over you because he likes you? You could very well become one of his 'children', bear his mark and gain a clarity and support system you'd never dream of. His children thrive together, they're powerful and connected like a hive mind only with the ability to put up walls. If he's obsessed because he dislikes you.... His appearance might spell trouble. Chaos at least, to you or those you love. Hes a chaotic neutral, he likes chaos and drama, good or bad. He's the childhood imaginary friend that tells you to punch your bully, to snatch that cookie. Tells you to stand in that street and protest homophobia.

He mostly appears to kids. He loves to be their "imaginary friend", to encourage them to be bold, a little reckless, to say whats on their mind and follow their wants. Hes both a good and a bad influence tbh. A kids dream is abstract, wild. More inspiration and craziness, and he loves that. He also doesn't punish kids ever/// They're young and aloof and hold an innocence even he wouldn't dare risk ruining. He also 100% gets sentimental attachments to the kids he haunts. They are his children, his precious little souls. One time, in a little village he became the imaginary best friend to a little abused kid. They bonded to the point the kid swore his soul to him unprompted... That is a LOT of devotion to any deity. When the kid died while he was away he went fucking ballistic. The entire town experienced horrific nightmares, the spot is STILL a place where only nightmares and fear breed. He emerged in corporeal form and destroyed the kids family, he tore the house down board for board and made the village unlivable. In the center is the grave of the child, the only place where flowers bloom and sun shines. The childs soul exists in its own pocket dimension like world within his own soul, filled only with the warmest sights, sounds, scents, and experiences.

His cult thing is divided into two groups "Children of Malazar" Or simply "Eminence" Those with the title of Eminence are those he has taken on as lovers(he's poly, as are those he loves), and hold reverence in the eyes of the Children. Usually referred to as 'my eminence' or similar titles out of respect. The eminence is just, big love hours, they're also like, mother and father figures to the Children? Like hes the ultimate dad but there are alot of cinnas to take care of and he trusts his loves with his Children more than anyone// He also always gets consent from his Children and the Eminence before hopping in their minds!!! They're his people now and they have the rights to private thoughts and emotions.

Hes also kinda limited in what powers he can bestow upon others but he definitely offers the Eminence the power to lucid dream and dream hop. Usually dream hopping bestowed on others is kinda limited unless he is there to directly alter and help, but dream hopping itself can be rather entertaining, even if the visitor has no real affect on the dreams at hand

The most powerful he can make you is if you promise your soul to him in life he will tether it to his own when you die. It both fuels his power and makes you an extension of his powers. Souls tethered to his own can alter dreams and actually freely pick and choose what dreams to hop into and alter. Often times they help spread his chaos loving ways, even though he allows the dead to do whatever they please. They served him in life, he will not pester them in death. But communication is veeeery hard with the living, takes years to practice except with the most powerful of the Eminence or the Children. And Malazar of course, he can hear all his precious souls. Also like he doesn't want you to die, a corporeal form is a very special thing even he cannot falsify.

He also 100% connects himself to countless objects to those he "haunts". Like, little Jimmy has a plushie of him that is connected to him. Jimmy is in a dangerous high stress situation? Oh hes gonna know and respond. Scared of a shadow? He can channel calming magic or directly plant pleasant dreams in his head. In danger? If he can't be there he can definitely conjure up something or another to protect Jimmy.... He can be called upon or talked to through these items at any times. Honestly hes having in depth conversations with so many people via dreams and channeling through real world items at once.

But Malazar is pretty much unkillable in modern days. His physical body can take... Lots and lots of damage. It will hurt like a bitch and he isnt immune to that, but most wounds won't kill him. If you can somehow kill his physical form? He exists in hundreds of minds, his incorporeal form will live on and thrive. His presence in the world gives him room enough to create a new physical body almost immediately, he has power practically dripping from his finger tips-a new body(for him and him alone) is nothing. Even if you SOMEHOW permanently destroyed his physical form... He was born a myth, an illusion. He's the whisper in your ear, you think taking away his body will get rid of him? Fool

There is a marking that all Children get (or an accessory!!! Few select jewelry instead. This doesnt count towards the other calling items he has everywhere lol) is entirely random. It is formed based on what the wearer wants it to be. Usually something they associate with Malazar. Say, a kid could pick a rubber duck. Someone else a rose. A simple triangle for another. This can be used to call him, access his domain, other areas he has locked, communicate with other Children and Eminence. It also is a calling card, others can sense eachother and hell yeah.

In one hand he raises hundreds of kids and makes them have decent childhoods and experience joys. In the other? WAR AND ABSOLUTE CHAOS, HE WHISPERS REVOLTS AND SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION.


Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.


Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.


Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at finibus mauris, non porta massa. Ut vitae viverra tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer vel pharetra libero. Nulla eget euismod massa. Mauris convallis malesuada tortor. Aenean non facilisis lorem, sed aliquam turpis. Integer vel fringilla felis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at finibus mauris, non porta massa. Ut vitae viverra tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer vel pharetra libero. Nulla eget euismod massa. Mauris convallis malesuada tortor. Aenean non facilisis lorem, sed aliquam turpis. Integer vel fringilla felis.


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