02. Glace LaCroix



9 years, 4 months ago



Glace LaCroix


19 [X784] | 26 [X791] | 27 [X792]


Race: Human
Role: Mage
Alias: Ice Sister, Grace
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'6" | 167.6cm
Alignment: Good
Marital Status: Engaged


  • Phantom Lord (Formerly)
  • Olympian Trio (Formerly)
  • Fairy Tail
  • Content


  • Dark Guilds
  • Tartaros
  • Dragon Slayer Mages
  • Content



Glace is a shy woman who isn't very confident in her own abilities. However, she will do whatever she must to protect her friends if they're in danger. She is also very loyal and supportive to those she knows -- believing that everyone is capable of everything. Glace isn't very talkative and is usually cowering behind her sister or being the outcast of the group. Although, when she opens up to people, she's quite the chatterbox.


Feu and Glace were born in Clover Town and grew up with their older sister, Brise. Brise raised her younger sisters and taught them how to use magic. She was the only thing the sisters cared about until Brise disappeared around the sisters' 14th birthday. Feu and Glace set out to join a guild -- to earn a living and to try and find their sister.

They became a troublesome pair in the ranks of Phantom Lord and one day met a lightning wizard who used maker/molding magic. Glace thought Blitz had an unique charm and thought he was nice -- which made Blitz start chasing after her. The trio made a name for themselves in Phantom Lord -- The Olympian Trio. Their combined magicks and techniques gave even the stronger wizards of various guilds trouble in dealing with them.

When Phantom Lord declared a war on Fairy Tail, Feu helped her guildsmen out by fighting as many members of Fairy Tail as she could when they appeared at Phantom Lord's guild hall. After hearing about what the Elemental Four did to Makarov, Fairy Tail's guild master, Feu was a little uneasy with stay at the guild. So she and Glace made their way to Fairy Tail's guild hall in Magnolia and tried to warn them about what their guild master, Jose, was going to do. However they arrived too late but still aided Fairy Tail in their fight against the Elemental Four.

During the fight against Sol, Glace was almost instantaneously overwhelmed by his attacks and tried to help Elfman get to his feet and fight -- all the while Feu was trying not to take too much damage from Sol and his attacks. Ultimately Elfman managed to beat Sol and Feu was grateful for the assistance. She and Glace informed him and his guildmates about Jose's plan. After the onslaught, Feu and Glace joined Fairy Tail and got to work on various missions. Whereas Feu was trying her best to stay out of the guild hall, Glace decided to try and make as many friends as she could -- and was seen as the friendlier sister.

Both Feu and Glace joined Fairy Tail in time for the Harvest Festival. They helped out with the preparations as well as even joining the Miss Fairy Tail contest with the other ladies of Fairy Tail. Glace entered the contest with the other women in the guild and was frozen by Evergreen's magic. The magic was dispelled eventually and she was reunited with her sister. Though she got the feeling that Feu's rage towards the Thunder Legion and Laxus wouldn't go away anytime soon; not that Glace could blam her sister's anger.

After the onslaught, Feu and Glace joined Fairy Tail and got to work on various missions. Glace tried to help her sister feel more welcomed within the guild but to little avail. She and her sister got into a fight about it one day and they ended up splitting up. Glace was furious at her sister for not wanting to assert herself more, her only concern being in finding their older sister instead. So she set out to go complete a mission without her sister's help, after expressing her concerns to Lucy and Mirajane.

A couple days passed before Feu found her and helped her out. Though prior to that, she felt bad for expecting her sister to stop caring for Brise -- not having entirely given up on finding her either. Feu fought the vulcan Glace was fighting and the two went back to the guild hall. Glace introduced her sister to a few other people in the guild, aside form the people her sister already befriended.

Sometime later, after completing a few jobs and getting used to their new home, both the sisters got involved in the journey to Edolas. They were returning from a job when they saw that Magnolia had disappeared into beam of light. They ran into Mystogen, who explained what happened, and then were sent to Edolas to help Natsu and the others get their guild mates back. They traveled with Gajeel, being the only friendly face they got to know and see during their travels. They helped Gajeel gather information on where the rest of Fairy Tail and Magnolia Town had gone to. Once they found where everyone was, they helped Gajeel try and free Gray and Erza. Once they were free, the sisters started to cause a disturbance in the capital city of Edolas to try and help their guild mates get to Natsu and the others.

Feu and Glace helped Lucy and Gray fight against Erza Knightwalker's men as they helped defend the Exceed. The Edolas version of Fairy Tail helped them as Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were fighting Dorma Anim. As the fight drew on, the magic in Edolas started to fade. It caused all the magical beings and magic in Edolas to flow out of it. As the sisters joined the magic as it flowed out of the world in Edolas, Feu caught sight of a pair of glowing animals that were starting to freak out. So she grabbed them as they crossed over back into Earthland, their home. Once they were back home with their guild and their friends, Feu and her sister took a break -- and were intent on looking after their new furry friends as well.

Seven years after the strange disappearance of Tenrou Island, Glace and her sister stayed with Fairy Tail. Proving to their remaining guild mates that they are more loyal to the guild than what people had thought. They aided Blue Pegasus' effort in locating where most of the members of Fairy Tail had disappeared to. They spent their time looking for both their guild mates and their elder sister, Brise. Though they were unable to find either.

Their journey wasn't all bad. Both Feu and Glace also learned how to enhance they magic with the animals Feu had saved from Edolas. The animals she saved were actually organic lacrima. Something which seems impossible and weird, though given the whole purpose of magic and how many Lost Magic types there were, they decided to not question it too much. Unlike Feu, Glace slowly ingested the raw power from the ice lacrima she had and was able to train with her sister after she did so. Feu helped Glace understand the true potential of her magic and combined its power with her requip magic -- changing the appearance and power of it entirely. Feu and Glace trained with their new partners to become better mages.

Once their training was complete, they continued their search for their friends who disappeared. They returned to the Fairy Tail guild hall in X791 with Blue Pegasus. They waited for their friends to come back just as another guild was about to start causing trouble in their guild hall.

When the Grand Magic Games came around, Glace was looking forward to watching her guild mates participate. Unlike Feu, Glace wasn't too interested in joining and was more interested in supporting whoever was entering. During the last few years, Glace had developed a crush towards Lyon Vastia -- mostly for his magic and how pretty it looked, but also because he was quite charming to her. She cheered for him regardless of who he was going against and got to meet him properly during The Grand Ball when the Games had ended.

During the games, Glace noticed that she wasn't the only one who developed a crush on someone. She noticed Feu was interested in Laxus Dreyar and enjoyed pestering her sister about it. Although, not as much as her sister had fun teasing Glace about Lyon.



Brise LaCroix

[ Older Sister ]
Like Feu, Glace looks up to her sister as both a sibling and mentor. Brise made her feel confident in her own abilities and tried not to waver in her own battles. However, most of her confidence disappeared when Brise mysteriously left her and Feu. So like Feu, Glace wants to know where her sister had gone and why.

Feu LaCroix

[ Twin Sister ]
Glace is Feu's twin sister and all Feu cares for Glace's safety. Feu places herself in harm's way all the time, trying to give her sister some leeway to run and hide or get backup. However Feu is Glace's source of courage -- Feu's actions make Glace more and more confident in herself. So if and when Feu gets in trouble, Glace will always be there to back her sister up. Feu is always there to cheer up her sister and make sure she's not sad or upset about anything -- which is something Glace herself admires.


[ Partner | Familiar ]
Glace and Rain are thick as thieves. They're often seen training or talking to other guild members. Rain has a rather protective nature towards Glace -- often becoming another Feu without meaning to. She's very judgmental towards those who she thinks aren't "suitable" to Glace. She believes in beauty and grace in a battle and implements it into Glace's magic.

Elfman Strauss

[ Best Friend ]
Glace adores Elfman's bravado and sees him as a big brother type. She's always there to help him or support him. She wanted to go with him as his partner in the S-Class trials but was glad she missed out -- having had a panic attack about whatever what ifs she had if Glace had joined him. She does see Elfman as a good friend and ally though.

Mirajane Strauss

[ Best Friend ]
Glace loves talking to Mirajane and does enjoy helping her around the guildhall whenever she's able. She and Mirajane get along so well, it honestly makes Feu wonder some days. Though Glace looks up to Mirajane the same way she looks up to Feu -- admiring Mirajane's love for her siblings and her willingness to do whatever she can to help them. Through her, Glace is able to see the burdens Feu carries on her shoulders.

Lucy Heartfilia

[ Best Friend ]
Glace and Lucy get along as well -- having met through Mirajane. They're often seen spending time together as they hang out in Magnolia Town or even talking with the other girls in Fairy Tail. Glace shares Lucy's love for books and they're often heard talking about which ones they love and what they're about or even about which books they've recently read. Glace can't wait to read Lucy's book and is on pins and needles about it.

Juvia Lockser

[ Best Friend ]
Glace has always looked up to Juvia's magical prowess and dreamed to be strong like she is. they never got to know one another while in Phantom Lord until sometime after they joined Fairy Tail. During one of the sisters' spats, Glace spent the day with Mirajane, Juvia, and Lucy. She was glad to have gotten to know the three better and benefitted from talking to Juvia about how to improve her ice magic. Though most of it had to do with her magic should look more like Gray's. Although, afterwards, they did realize they had more in common than they thought and share a love of romance with each other. It was actually Juvia who introduced Glace to Lyon -- hoping to get Lyon to stop giving her so much attention.

Gray Fullbuster

[ Friend ]
Glace loves seeing Gray's maker magic in action. She looks up to him, although gaining Juvia's ire before they became friends. She aspires to create beautiful constructs like he does and to become as strong as him as well.

Lyon Vastia

[ Friend | Boyfriend ]
Glace and Lyon were introduced to each other trough Juvia. For Glace, it was more or less love at first sight. She was impressed by his looks and etiquette and was swooned by his use of maker magic. Although they had made an acquaintanceship with Lamia Scale's aid to help search for the Fairy Tail mages, they didn't get to meet until after they were found and rescued. Once they did meet, Lyon became more and more of a headache for Feu -- as her sister wouldn't stop talking about him. She does like Lyon though and hopes that one day he'll reciprocate the feelings she has for him.

Blitz Krieg

[ Friend ]
Blurbs go here

Magic & Trivia

Magic Type

  • Requip Magic: The Princess

Glace's requip magic allows her to transform the dagger she has into rapiers and daggers. She's able to use her speed to get in close to fight or distance herself. When working with her sister, her using one-handed weapons makes it easier to strategize on the fly as her sister tries to fight or demolish their foe. Unlike most requip mages, Glace is able to imbue ice with her magic, making it more effective against her enemies and foes. Her magic, in comparison to her sister's, looks glamorous and dream like.

Glace's ice magic was given to her in the form a of an ice lacrima that originated in Edolas. Through this lacrima, Glace is able to use more potent ice magic and summon Rain -- the lacrimals organic form -- to fight with her. Once she learned how to use the ice magic itself, Glace was able to incorporate it with her requip magic. Unlike her sister, who uses both forms of magic interchangeably, Glade incorporates her ice magic with her swords. Her weapons take on a more ice looking form. She basically fuses her two magicks together to be stronger.

Because of the ice lacrima and Rain's influence on Glace's ice spells have increased in their potency -- more so even after they combined with her requip magic. So the spells was able to use below (mainly the first four), she can now use without the use of her swords. The last five are, more or less, an expansion of her and Rain's ability to work together in unison.

  • Ice Magic

Glace's ice magic is advanced enough to allow her the ability to combine it with her requip magic. Her magic isn't strong like Gray's or other ice mages, but it's enough to get the job done. Glace, like her sister, later gains the ability to use stronger ice magic and enable her requip magic to be more powerful but until then, for the most part, she knows only a handful of spells that increase her strength.

After Glace ingests ice lacrima she picked up in Edolas, her magic increased immensely. Unlike her sister, she fuses her ice magic into her requip magic, creating ice weapons that can withstand more damage than the ones she used to use. She prefers to use them in combination with her requip magic and gains a powerful increase to the ice magic she knows already. Her magic increases when her partner, Rain, is with her. Rain, although taking the form of a house cat, is able to transform into a bigger and iced version of herself to aid Glace in a fight. She appreciates the help Rain provides as well as the assistance from her sister and Cinder.


  • Arctic Needle: A spell that summons a few icicles to crush Glace's foe. It's one of her more used spells and it's usually the first spell cast when a fight starts. The number of icicles range depending on how much magic Glace uses for the spell.
    • The spell becomes more useful later when her ice magic merges with her rewhip magic. She's able to use Arctic Needle more effectively as her rapiers become the conduit for the spell. So instead of summoning icicles, Glace is able to jab at her foes with a powerful burst of energy. She's also able to use it with her daggers as well and does so quite frequently.
  • Freezing Spire: A spell that creates a swirl of magic energy surround her rapier/dagger before she lunges towards her foe. The swell of energy is known to create a chilling feeling.
    • The spell becomes more powerful with her rapiers later one. She's able to use it at a much more devastating degree and cause more damage.
  • Ice Tornado: With a swing of her rapier, Glace is able to conduct the wind around her using her magic to freeze the water particles. She's able to sting her foes with the ting drops of ice to cut their skin in a freezing wind.
    • This spell gains a more potent effect as she's able to cause a literal tornado to appear instead of just making the wind colder to strike her foes. The spell is also able to disorient her foes as well.
  • Brilliant Geyser: As she strikes the ground, Feu can summon a gusher of water to appear to freeze her enemies or to stun them. She often uses this when helping her sister prepare for a strong fire spell or an attack.
    • This spell, like the previous, also becomes stronger and is able to push her foes back instead of freeze them.
  • Glacial Feline: A spell to summon Rain to Glace's side and to transform Rain into her true form as an ice cat. Rain enhances the potency of Glace's spell as well as making in notably colder for those around Glace -- who's unable to feel the effects. The two are able to withstand cold temperatures as well as heated ones when Feu's at her side.

Abilites and Strengths

  • Swordsmanship: Unlike her sister, Glace has a more refined approach to swordplay. Instead of relying on her brute strength to deal heavy damage, she uses precision and accuracy. She mastered the art of fencing with her rapier and how to fight unfairly with her dagger. Although, she does favor her rapiers instead of daggers, she makes sure she's able to read her foes before she strikes.
  • Keen Intellect: Glace's intellect is better than her sister's because instead of trying to stay two steps ahead of someone, she's able to read their body language and make an educated guess of where they're about to go. She also usually keeps herself a good distance from her foes, trying to gauge their strength through her sister's attacks or her own. She believes in observing her foe is the utmost thing in a fight so she and her sister can gain the advantage quicker.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Glace isn't much of a hand-to-hand fighter but she's gotten better through training with her sister, Feu. She knows Feu prefers to fight with both her physical strength and her magic. So she tries to mimic her sister as she uses her dagger requip magic. Although the most she does are kicks and swipes to her blade -- acting as if it's a brass knuckle of sorts.
  • Endurance: Glace's endurance is more based on her ability to use her requip magic interchangeably. Able to summon a rapier or dagger with relative ease. She's able to summon two rapiers and daggers in one summon unlike Feu. Her power lies in the understanding of manipulating her magical energy and being able to summon more requip constructs with it. She's able to use this understanding better than her sister can.
  • Reflexes: Unlike Feu, Glace doesn't overly relay on her physical strength but more on her reflexes. She's able to easily dodge or defend attacks because of her fencing training and her training with Feu. Although Feu can't hold a candle to Glace's defensive reflexes with how she's able to use her agility to her ability in nearly every fight they go into.


  • Dagger: Although it has no notable properties, the blade itself is dull and unusable. Meant to deter those who see Feu or Glace and cause them to underestimate them both. Feu did say she tried to sharpen the blade to see what would happen but the moment it was sharp, it magically reverted back to its dull form.
  • One-Handed Swords:
    • Rapier
    • Gladius
    • Xiphos
  • Daggers:
    • Dirk
    • Cinquedea
    • Basilard


  • Glace's Edolas version is more of a thug -- often protecting Feu's Edolas version and fighting people entirely.
