


4 years, 8 months ago



Name: Ainashi Ian Ibara
Called: Ian
Age: 21
Gender: male
DOB: 31.10
Race: demon/balaan/human
Role: aggressive asshole
Height: 5'58"/170 cm
Sexuality: bisexual
Pinterest: Link
✅ Likes:
✓ breadsticks,
✓ fight,
✓ the smell of grease,
✓ paint
❌ Dislikes:
✗ his first name,
✗ most people,
✗ no control - be it over yourself or the situation,
✗ apple pie
An unpleasant, always annoyed type who will sooner familiarize your face with his fist than admit that he likes you. But he has a good heart and he is able to do everything for his loved ones - including getting rid of those who hurt them.




He seems to be an asshole. And well - the truth is there is not much under this "pretense". You should never count on selfless help on his part, because although deep in his heart he is a good boy, he proves it only to his loved ones.

He is confident, although he knows his own limitations. He can also be impulsive and easily irritated, and in a fit of anger it can attack, so it's better not to bring him to such a state. But is one problem - you never know what's going to make him angry, he's like a walking time bomb.

After all, Ian is quite a "nice person". He rarely laughs at the weaker than himself and prefers manual methods to prove someone that he is better - of course, this doesn't apply to anyone who is taller than him, because he has a fairly large complex on this point. Add his disgust to own name and imagine it: tall person in the hallway use it accidentally! Fist in the face guaranteed!

In addition, he must always feel that he has control and an advantage over the world around him. He is sensitive about this and when something goes wrong, he explodes.

However - deep in his heart he is good and sensitive, but he can't show it. He hides all his emotions under a layer of anger.




Ordinary beating

What is there to write a lot? He is pretty good at fistfights.

Wind magic

Generally he uses strong, not large gusts or raises / lowers the air temperature in the area. He isn't particularly creative in using it.The most important thing is that he can deal painful damage or slow down his opponent.

Draining life energy/magic

He can deprive others of magic by touch to eat it. Also he can takes someone life energy through the pacts, which he contains as a demon, condemning weakened soul to "condemnation."

Time bomb

He can piss off every bullshit at any moment. You can't predict when he gets angry - and when he's done, he destroys everything in his path.



Ian was born on Halloween. His mother was an elv and father was a demon, but he inherited the traits only from the male parent. Or it seemed so, because it turned out that his sudden increase in aggression was due to a race conflict inside him. His balaan's nature came out on top when he was near the dautangs or making pacts, eating something other than magic.

Many generations back, one of the women from his mother's line gave birth to a Balaan. The gene didn't always activate, because the elves do not eat anything that their second nature would consider evil. Ian's mother gave birth to a child with the balaan and demon gene and created a race conflicts. Ian fell into an endless loop of rage and hatred, because he was filthy for himself eating other people life energy to survive.

His eagerness to fight is due to the fact that in his environment was many strong kids who liked to fight for fun. It started with "exercises" in the yard and ended up beating someone who falls into him at school. In addition, the group liked to create various, nice and less nice graphics in the area. Ian did the same and also liked it. Now it's his favourite hobby.

No major achievements. At most once, he managed to win an art competition and smash some dodger although usually he is the one who lose fights.

He has two younger brothers (Caim and Lacrimis), whom he pampered from their earliest years and one older brother, Shin.





[ husband ]

Awkward idiot. Sweet, lovely, incredibly kind and trusting. Meeting him was the best thing in Ian's life. A bit too naive and insecure, but Ian loves him more than life and is able to do anything for him - not necessarily with his consent.



[ relationship ]




[ relationship ]


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