


4 years, 6 months ago



Name: Cordelia C. Acquati

Age: 27

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Height: 5'6"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Knight

The younger of two descendants of two valued knights of the kingdom, Cordelia served loyally as a knight under Emperor August for the betterment of the kingdom. It was the responsibility of her bloodline to continue to protect and serve those of the royal bloodline, and Cordelia took her job alongside her older brother very seriously. She truly believed that she was doing right by her kingdom, following out August's orders of war.

After some time, she began to realize something that truly shook her beliefs and hopes to her core: she was actually one of the bad guys. This idea truly made her question everything she had done, and Cordelia realized she had to try and set things right. In a desperate move, the knight defected over to the side of the kingdom's enemy, Even though she works to stop Emperor August's warpath, she holds nothing but faith that he can be turned around and that he's still the good person that she always believed him to be.

Cordelia tends to run on the more nervous and shy side, used to being over-shadowed by her older brother. and seems to struggle with opening herself up to people for fear of failure. On the flip-side, once somebody shows her some attention and praise, she tends to latch onto them and open up, becoming extremely eager to please them with everything that she does. She's an extremely hard-worker, and has occasionally worked herself to passing out in the past before. She's naively optimistic, and truly believes that everyone starts with a good heart, and those that want to can redeem themselves. Easily flustered by even the most simple of nice gestures to her.


- Corn on the Cob

- Animals (Geese are her favorite)

- Warm clothing

- Fairy Tales


- Loose Corn

- Hunting

- Cold Weather

- Scary Stories


- Is one of two direct descendants of Trolly and Hugh. As such, her position as a knight was solidified from the moment she was born.

- Has a hard time admitting it, but has somewhat of a one-sided crush on Emperor August.

- Her middle name is Clam. It's a family tradition to have a name relating to sea life, but her middle name greatly embarrasses her.

- Because of her family, both she and her brother know more about the happenings of Roy's generation more clearly than most, mostly through old legends.

- She fights mainly using dual long swords.

- Can speak with animals due to her heritage.

- She likes to experiment with weird food combos of corn on the cob.