Valerie Bonham



4 years, 7 months ago


age: 16-19
height: 5'5"
build: incredibly thin
birthday: september 13th

Valerie Bonham is a spiteful young woman who has defined herself with contempt for the world she lives in.

Smug, pessimistic and accusatory, Valerie navigates her interpersonal relationships with a level of tact you’d expect from a rabid dog. She sees even the most minor slights against her as proof of other’s hatred, and has complete faith in the idea that the world is out to get her. Though, she doesn’t seem very disturbed by that-- she’s mostly resigned herself to it, and her disposition is almost arrogant, for lack of a better term. Valerie’s extreme lack of trust for others has left her socially isolated with very few exceptions.

Despite all of that, though, Valerie actually has a fair amount of positive traits. She’s clever, creative, quick to take charge, and really, pretty intelligent. Most of her unpleasantness comes from a place of deep insecurity and fear, being resigned to the fate of being hated when that’s not the inevitability she believes it is.

She’s still not very nice to be around, though.

LIKES: Shoujo, pretty dresses, dope sneakers, the internet, cute animals, canned frappuccino, not much else.
DISLIKES: Horror movies, men, heavy metal, spicy food, human interaction, weekends, talkative people, gritty television, almost everyone over thirty, people, money (as a concept), cops, tradition, sensitive people, insensitive people (ironically), whatever dumb thing you like.

au names: Valerie Oudou, Yumemi Zenjouin, Zenko Higuchi, Chinami Higuchi