


4 years, 7 months ago


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He has heterochromia--one eye is gold and the other is dark red

Griffin he/him | 5'8

"Hah! You really think that you, of all people, could possibly defeat me?! Ah, shit. Never mind."


Put simply, Griffin doesn't know when to give up. His impressive drive and tenacity is his one commendable trait as a villain. He isn't actually very smart, even though he tries to pretend that he is, so a large majority of the time he goes into battles with no strategy to speak of. He carries his "big bad villain" act into interactions that don't even have anything to do with villainy, which makes him somewhat annoying to get along with at first. Beneath that, however, is a kind person who doesn't have any ill will towards his enemies and would do anything for his friends.


Griffin has had very powerful explosion superpowers since an early age. He can trigger explosions from any part of his body, although he most commonly does it from the palms of his hands because it's easier to aim that way. Occasionally, when he needs to make a hasty getaway, he does it from his feet, but he tries to avoid that since it effectively takes out whatever shoes he's wearing at the time. Despite having those powers for so long, he never quite learned to us them, leading to all the injuries along his arms (from debris and collisions, because he's immune to the explosions themselves). He was a notoriously bad villain for a long time. He always claims that he never cared what people thought of him, but he was actually deeply hurt by having that reputation. After Maggie approached him and offered to team up, his luck started turning around. The two of them are now roommates and partners in crime, working on heists that combine both of their specialties. They've also got a certain vigilante chasing after them. Fun times!


A character who features in a story as an antagonist.




Best dressed
A character whose design is among their owner's favorites.