

Full Name Faye DeLeon
Alias Dr. DeLeon, Medi-Girl, Savior
Age 31
Birthay/Zodiac January 5th/Capricorn
Gender Female (MtF)
Orientation Panromantic gray-asexual
Height 6'3"
Build Pretty athletic and fit, kinda runner-esque; D-cup, pretty significant curves
Race Mixed (White/Asian)
Origin Earth (Now lives on Alpha-216)
Occupation Doctor (Kinda does more paramedic work than she does clinic work, but she can do it all)
Alignment Lawful neutral
Status Single
MBTI ESTP - The Entrepreneur
Flower Gladiolus

"I haven't given up on a patient yet, I'm not about to start now."


  • Her job
  • The clinic she works at
  • The team of paramedics she has assisting her
  • Being able to help people
  • Seeing the effects of her work (Like seeing her patients outside of the hospital happy and healthy)
  • Her tech (Makes her job a lot easier for her)
  • Being able to successfully keep her promise to herself
  • Teaching new members of her team about how things work (She likes educating them in her ways, feels like it makes them better workers)
  • Reaching a successful conclusion with a patient (Especially if it takes a while, she feels satisfied reaching the end)
  • Engineering/building things (In her free time mainly, she says it's relaxing)
  • Keeping in shape (Especially through long-distance running, helps keep her speed and stamina up which is helpful on the field)
  • Keeping her mind sharp (Mainly through puzzles and brain teasers outside of work)
  • Reading (Especially mystery/thriller novels)
  • Italian cream sodas (Easily her favorite drink ever)
  • Anything white chocolate (Especially white chocolate mousse and strawberries, that's like her favorite dessert ever)
  • Treating herself (Usually by going out to fancy restaurants or taking fancy baths, something fun like that)
  • Hologram technology (She finds it absolutely fascinating!)
  • Anything that can glow (It's really cool to her!)
  • The colors red and blue
  • Her coat (It's incredibly soothing to her to wear)
  • Her hair (She's stupid proud of it, and takes really good care of it)
  • Unique footwear (Like her usual shoes, she loves shoes with interesting heels and such, things that look totally impractical but function perfectly fine for her)
  • Axolotls (Easily her favorite animal, she is amazed by their ability to regenerate parts of their body, plus she just finds them adorable)
  • The idea of furthering medical research/advancing medical technology for the better (She thinks that she could definitely do it one day!)


  • Most of her coworkers (Aside from her team, she loves them)
  • The idea that she may not be able to save someone
  • Seeing her coworkers "give up" on their patients
  • Not doing what she believes is a "perfect job"
  • Not being able to find a solution to a problem she's dealing with (She literally won't rest until she finds one)
  • Being told she's "overworking herself" (She won't believe them)
  • The fame she gets for her work (Yeah it's nice, but she's not in it for the fame, and she's afraid that her having it will make it seem like she is)
  • Not being able to work for any reason (Unless she's actively on a day off, in which she still makes it clear that she's on call if they need her)
  • Having nothing to do
  • People who try to pry into her personal life/emotions
  • Addictive substances (Like alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, all that)
  • Harming people (She actively goes out of her way not to do that)
  • Unjust people (Especially in her workplace)
  • Doctors who are "only in it for the money/fame" (There are some at her workplace and she despises them with all her being)
  • Thinking back to her past
  • Being injured (Not that she feels it, it just gives her something else to worry about)
  • Emotionally opening up before she's ready
  • Meeting new people (Usually)
  • Yelling (Reminds her of her second home)
  • Very social/crowded places (Like nightclubs and such, she'd much rather go to a nice, classy restaurant or something than a busy, loud club)
  • Having to explain her sarcasm (It happens)
  • People who don't put in the time to try and understand her point of view
  • Most revealing clothing (The most revealing she really likes going is her usual attire with some of her thighs showing, sometimes a crop top when she's at home relaxing or something, but that's about it)
  • The thought that the medical field may just suddenly stop developing without every problem having a solution



Driven Logical Brave Hard on herself Abrasive Sarcastic

Faye is what many would consider to be the best example of the kind of person who should be in the medical field. She is very driven and determined in her work, and won't quit until she's done her job to the fullest extent that she possibly can. She strives for success in everything, and puts a lot of time and effort into getting the best possible results from any activity she tries. She has a very sharp and logical mind, and works very well in analytical ways. She's a quick planner, and seems to work even better under pressure. She is perceptive and detail-oriented, and often puts a lot of work into taking in all the details of situations she's in. She's highly intelligent, but in her own strange way. She often has a lot of views and ideals that she finds perfectly logical, while others may find them odd or not understand. Regardless, she makes those views work, and typically tries to be open-minded enough to take others' views into consideration. She has a relatively long temper, and it takes a lot to truly get her annoyed or worked-up. Even if one is somehow able to, they often don't get much of a reaction. However, despite her very cool and calculating exterior, there is a fire under the surface. She is stupidly brave and selfless, willing to run into any sort of dangerous situation if it means being able to save a life. She is driven by justice and a personal code she made herself, and has a strong belief in never giving up on a patient. She will do whatever it takes to adhere to her personal beliefs, and isn't afraid to defend them to the death... Not that she'd ever cause a situation like that. She's strictly against hurting others unless it's absolutely necessary, and even then she'd much rather just tranquilize them than actually cause them physical harm.

However, she also has her flaws. She strives for absolute perfection from herself, and when she can't achieve it, even if only in her eyes, she gets incredibly hard on herself and beats herself up very harshly. She can go through episodes of never feeling like she's good enough, which often take a very long time to get over. Alongside her perfectionist attitude, she can often hyperfixate and obsess over medical cases if she thinks she's getting somewhere with them. She overworks herself constantly until she finds the end to whatever she was working on, often neglecting her basic needs to get it done, which worries those around her. She's not great with emotions, and doesn't really show her own all that much. She often comes off as abrasive, apathetic, and insensitive around her coworkers, even if she's attempting to help. She's the bluntly honest type, she won't lie to spare someone's feelings, and often ends up hurting them in the process. She is much more gentle and understanding with patients, but unless she's working on you, she typically doesn't show you much sympathy. She generally has a pretty grumpy disposition, and doesn't take a lot of nonsense seriously unless it piques her strange sense of humor, but she does stil have her moments where she can let loose and have some fun. She doesn't have a good time getting to know people, and is often cold and distant unless she's around people she trusts for sure. She is often very secretive with her feelings, and won't open up to just anyone. If people try to pry (and even if they don't tbh), she gets very sarcastic and cynical with them. However, if she really does trust someone, she'll open up and be truthful and straight with them about her emotions.


Faye was born to a very loving family on Earth, and started out having a very good life. Her parents were highly successful and well-known, her father being a skilled weapon/robotic engineer and her mother being the chief surgeon in the hospital in town. Faye was surrounded by medical and engineering knowledge from a very young age, and absolutely fell in love with the world of the medical field especially. She would often go with her parents to work to learn from them when she had breaks in school, furthering her interests. She was allowed to see her mother save lives every day, and saw medical professionals in general as role models. She was inspired by them, and wanted to be just like them. Things for her were incredible at first, though eventually tragedy struck. One day, Faye and her parents got into a horrible accident, leading to her losing her left arm and her parents being gravely wounded. When the paramedics got there, they started tending to Faye, but not her parents, allegedly believing they were already dead. She knew they could be saved, crying out to them to check on them and get them out alive, but her pleas were ignored and she was forced to watch the paramedics fail to save her family. The experience gave her a much darker view on the medical field. She saw that sometimes, doctors just don't try. Sometimes, they let people who could be saved die. In that moment, she made a promise to herself. She promised that she wouldn't let that ever happen again.

After her parents' death, she was put into foster care and picked up by a new couple. She was still shaken from the event, hyperfixated on her promise to herself, and just starting to get used to a basic prosthetic arm when she was taken in, which only upset her adopted parents. She would often distance herself from them in light of other things she was dealing with, and never really had an interest in getting to know them. She honestly hated them, they weren't the parents she had known and loved, and she thought no one could be better than them. In response, they often got angry with her, taking out their aggressions on her at the worst times. They wanted to just bond with her, but she wanted nothing to do with them, which only made them angrier and more ready to yell at her. The yelling from her adoptive parents started to get worse and worse the longer she stayed with them, and eventually escalated to physical harm when she ignored them or upset them. She couldn't feel the injuries given to her physically, but they still took a toll on her body, causing her to be much weaker and more lethargic due to her needing to heal. However, that wasn't the only issue she began to deal with. She began to feel pretty massive dysphoria, and realized that she was trans. She didn't want to bring it up to her adoptive parents, she thought it would make them harm her more, but she also didn't want to feel dysphoria that badly for long. She knew she had to get out, but wasn't sure where to go. She didn't want to disrupt her education most of all, she was focusing highly on getting into the medical field, and didn't want to squander her chances. One summer, however, that changed. She began seeing advertisements for a new planet for people to migrate to, named Alpha-216. It was filled with the highest grade of technology around, a utopia among technological advancements, and was constantly improving. She saw it as the perfect opportunity for herself. Better technology could mean a better education, which meant a better chance of getting into the medical field and being the best doctor around. Seeing all the possible benefits, she finally snuck onto a flight to the planet, taking only the necessities to live on the new planet with her to survive.

Once she made it to Alpha-216, the technological utopia, Faye began making a new life for herself. She found her way into the household of a bio-engineer that took her in happily. She saw her arrangement as less of an adoption and more of an apprenticeship, not letting herself get too attached to the engineer at first, but she slowly started to warm up to him. She found a rhythm of going to school once the year started up again and assisting the engineer in her free time. She came to trust him deeply, and eventually came out to the engineer as trans. He supported her wholeheartedly and helped her to transition, staying by her every step of the way and helping her feel much more confident in herself as a result. Eventually, as her schooling came to an end, she was granted a scholarship to the highest-quality university on the planet thus far, and took it happily. She went to university, majoring in the medical field and minoring in engineering, an homage to her parents and the engineer who had helped her get so far. She got her degree and eventually her medical license, and started up her career, making a promise to herself to never let her patients down. She was, at first, doing a lot of clinic work, staying mostly in the hospital and off of the outer field. It was nice, but she really found herself just... Not feeling as suited to it. She felt like she couldn't save people as successfully being stuck in the building, and knew she had to get out there and work with the paramedics, saving people outside in medical emergencies. With the help of the engineer who took her in, she built herself her tech, those being her gun, med-kit, and new-and-improved arm to suit her career best. She fell right in with the paramedics, and absolutely fell in love with the job. The feeling she got being able to save people in situations much like the one she had been in earlier in her life, it made everything up to her from the past. She was truly happy.

Presently, she still resides in the hospital, now at the level of a surgeon. She still does most of her operations out on the field with what she finds are a great team of paramedics, but does occasionally bring her talents indoors where necessary. She's seen as a role model to many at the hospital for her work, but doesn't really care about that. She's in it to help other people, not herself. But she still couldn't be happier.



Charisma 50%
Kindness 45%
Temper 70%
Integrity 90%
Courage 90%
Humor 40%


Attack 30%
Defense 40%
Dexterity 90%
Resistance 40%
Speed 90%
Stamina 80%


Appeal 70%
Confidence 80%
Intellect 90%
Manners 60%
Optimism 50%
Luck 70%




Faye's main "weapon" of choice. It doesn't have the power to kill anyone, and is designed only to heal and, if necessary, incapacitate foes. She can load it with special medicine capsules to treat people's ailments in just about any way. She has four main types of capsules, those being green, yellow, red, and blue. The green capsules are for general wound healing, they can heal up most wounds, from minor to semi-severe. For more severe wounds, they can at least partially heal them, though more care is often required. The yellow capsules are called revivers, and act similarly to defibrilators. If a patient has flatlined, they can bring them back with relative ease. The red capsules are stabilizers. If a patient is in critical condition, they will stabilize them, keeping their hearts beating and their lungs full of air. They often extend the amount of time a person can survive from horrible accidents, allowing more time for treatment. The blue capsules are for curing ailments. From poisoning to overdose to illness, they help bring a person full relief from minor problems, and partial relief from more severe issues. Alongside being great for medical healing, in the event that she has to defend herself, she can also load Tranqui-Max capsules into her gun. They have the power to incapacitate people pretty easily, and allow her to make quick getaways in the event of an emergency. Depending on the mode her gun it is, be it healing or tranquilizing, it functions differently. In order to heal (Top barrel), she has to hold the gun point blank to her patient. However, with the tranquilizers (bottom barrel), she has more range due to the need for distance for self-defense.

Meditap First Aid Kit

Faye's first aid kit, which magnetically clips to her belt. Called the Meditap because it takes a single tap to open up, allowing for a quick patch-up if needed. Her kit includes just about any medical equipment she may need for any situation on the field.

Robotic Arm

Faye's robotic arm has a slew of helpful features for her. On her palm, she has a multi-purpose scanner. She can check a patient's vitals, scan their body for injuries (both external and internal), and more. The scanner can also double as a hologram projector, and information she scans can appear on the translucent bottom of her coat, which in and of itself if a sort of screen. On the back of her hand, she has a monitor to let her know if she's injured. She has congenital insensitivity to pain, and often is unable to tell if she's harmed, no matter how major, but her body still feels the effects and it can be incredibly dangerous for her to be harmed. As such, she needs the monitor to ensure she's alright. It constantly monitors her vitals, and stays in the blue if it's normal. If it turns red, that means that there is an abnormality, most likely meaning injury, which allows her to treat herself in time.


  • In creating her tech for work, she kind of helped the engineer who took her in start his own business?? She allowed him the ability to keep branching off of her ideas for the "Medi" line of tech in exchange for helping her, and he ran with it to create the company Medi-Tech, giving her full credit for the idea. This connection has earned her the nickname of "Medi-Girl," given her initial creation/advocacy for the tech.
  • She has permission from the hospital to practice her medical technique on cadavers they have stored in the morgue if she so chooses. She often takes that opportunity for her surgeries especially, practicing what she'll have to do for any sort of operation, and has been walked in on with her hands in a dead body's appendix before. No one really questions it, they know she has permission, but it can be awkward for newbies in the hospital.
  • She's torn on which italian cream soda is her favorite, she's pretty sure it's between strawberry and blue raspberry, but they're honestly all so good that she has a hard time choosing.
  • There have been many times before where she has accidentally sliced or burned her fingers and had no clue about it until people pointed it out to her, even with her monitor intact.
  • She always wears lipstick, typically in dark blue. It makes her feel a lot more confident in herself and her looks.
  • She has ridiculously good balance, especially considering the shoes she normally wears. She's had many people say they couldn't imagine so much as standing in them, while she's running around helping innocent people in need without a single misstep.
  • She has a lot of glowing bits on her outfit, in just about any place that's red or blue. She can turn them on and off at will, but really likes keeping them all on when it's dark. They're especially helpful in the event of power outages.
  • Her favorite genre of music is easily indie rock, hands down.
  • When something actually piques her sense of humor, she has a habit of laughing really loudly for a really long time at it. She doesn't get a laugh very often, so when she does she really cherishes it.
  • Ironically enough, she's often described as the "Mother of the Paramedics." She's often the leader in emergency scenarios, teaching and guiding her team like a "mother hen," which has gained her the title. She's somewhat embarrassed by it, but won't say that it isn't completely fitting.
  • She has a pet axolotl named Isis (After the Egyptian goddess), and she absolutely adores the little thing!
  • More later?? I'm not sure of a lot more now.




Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

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