Gekko (01 | CrystalWaters)





Age Difference 1 year
Height Difference 2 inches (no sandals)
Nicknames Gekko
Current Status
Status Romantic Partners
Status ( 0 w 0 ) ;;;
Children N/A

You know I can't 'turn off' or 'stop' my intuition, Giyuu; and I'm not going to attempt to anytime soon.

Gekko Daikan

Crystal Waters (クリスタルウォーター Kurisutaruu~ōtā) is the pairing between Gekko Daikan and Giyuu Tomioka.


Gekko and Giyuu have known each other for years, so there is a familiarity between them. The earliest interaction they've had was during one of their ealier missions when they were in the lower ranks, but after that barely interacted let alone saw each other. However; from the get go, a simple interaction was enough for Gekko to feel the very strong guilt Giyuu was carrying with himself. Though, it wasn't new to him, many Slayers carried the same kind of baggage with themselves.

The only time they really started interacting regularly was when Gekko was appointed Gyomei Himejima's Tsuguko. Giyuu by this time had already been inagurated as the Water Pillar. Out of respect, Gekko often invited the Pillars over to the temple he resided in if they ever needed a place to stay. Gekko's approach with Giyuu was more careful than with the rest of the Pillars, feeling a bit of tension due to the energy Giyuu was emitting. As compared to the other Pillars, save for Sanemi Shinazugawa, the weight of Giyuu's energy was saddening to Gekko. Out of the goodness of his heart, he offered to have Giyuu stay in the temple whenever he could, or if he needed to.

Actual conversation was a little difficult, up until Giyuu brought up Gekko's position as Tsuguko, asking him how he was faring. While the air was more professional and distant than anything, Gekko was happy to finally have conversation after a while of trying. However; it became tense again when Gekko had held Giyuu's haori, had felt the essence and energy of another person, causing him to retract quickly. While all Gekko wanted was to get his attention to strike up conversation, the tingling in his fingers was so strong that even he felt overwhelmed. Since then, he was careful with physical contact. Giyuu, having the strange complex of being told he is disliked, was confused with Gekko's reaction, not knowing of his natural sense.

Though, Gekko was on good terms and emotionally connected with other Slayers, and to an extent, the other Pillars. The latter waas shown through Mitsuri Kanroji babbling to the rest of the Pillars that she had Gekko read her palm and his Oracle Bones, making a big deal about the accuracy of his readings. While it was a sensation with most of the other Pillars (with Gyomei trying to tell them to not overwhelm Gekko with their energies), Giyuu found himself curious, not believing in such things mostly. However, it piqued his interest enough to seek Gekko's readings out on his own.

Needless to say, it was considered a disaster. Gekko's readings were uncannily accurate, and was able to guess specific events and the role of certain people in Giyuu's life, namely his late sister Tsutako and late friend Sabito. In the middle of the reading, Giyuu walked out on Gekko, not willing to face his guilt in the face of someone who wasn't supposed to know these details. On Gekko's part, he finally understood why his energy was so heavy and guilt-ridden. For being invasive, he profusely apologized to Giyuu, also offering to make compromises if it meant he was going to forgive him. He didn't mean harm, and Giyuu knew that; but to be faced with his demons abruptly was something he did not appreciate.

However; it's because of this event that Giyuu found himself becoming more comfortable with Gekko, who did not judge him or as questions. In fact, he empathized with him and offered comfort if he needed it. In time, this made way for Giyuu's more frequent presence at the temple as well as actual conversation. Gekko, still feeling guilt over putting Giyuu on the spot that way and earning a pained reaction from it, was now the one who was a little closed off. Though, when he started feeling Giyuu's comfort around him, it was enough for him to ask if he had forgiven him. As a sign of forgiveness, Giyuu reached out his hand to Gekko, telling him to finish the reading.

What really established an emotional connection was when Gekko channeled Giyuu's pain afterwards, crying in his stead. It earned shock from Giyuu, not understanding how someone could possibly do what Gekko was at the moment. When Gekko managed to calm down afterwards, there was a moment of silence between them, with Gekko leaning in to hug Giyuu afterwards. To hs surprise, he wasn't shoved off.

Romantic feelings were gradual, actually. Gekko's sadness for Giyuu made him go out of his way to help him in any way, if not in battle. It started as offering the temple as a place to always come back to, to actively anticipating his visits. Giyuu's comfort in Gekko's presence just naturally drew him towards Gekko, and ended up in him making time to spend time at the temple when he was not busy, or even in the middle of missions, just to see Gekko. Acknowledging it was another thing, and it was rather wordless because they both didn't seem to actually verbalize it, or want to verbalize it for that matter. However; any physical interaction was more than welcome, and it just became normal for the both of them.



I don't understand why you're so indiscriminately selfless. Think about yourself for once!

Giyuu Tomioka


Their relationship is deeply rooted in a trust they established with each other. Giyuu, though he doesn't ever say it, finds Gekko's company very comforting and safe for him emotionally and mentally. Around him, Giyuu feels more at ease and is more relaxed, albeit still stoic personality. Compared to others, he doesn't have that much trouble whether or not he talks to Gekko, whom he thinks just "gets him", therefore having to talk minimally and spend time in silence.

Gekko has found himself accomplished in a sense that he's become somewhat of a 'confidant' for Giyuu, who always kept his distance from others and has trouble interacting with others. He takes this to heart and often really pushes himself out of his own comfort zone to accomodate Giyuu, and because of his romantic inclinations, accomodate him more than he does with others. He is okay doing the talking, and never forces Giyuu unless he really needs a second opinion or insight on something. He is instead, however, gently encouraging towards Giyuu in regards to his relationships with others.

Actions speak far louder than words between the two, whose actions of affection and reassurance are physical rather than verbal. More often than not, it's easy to guess what the other is feeling or possibly guess their thoughts. To the confusion of others who know about their relationship

They are not without their complaints, of course. As appreciative Giyuu is (in his own way) towards Gekko's attitude, he laments his far too selfless attitude and perhaps due to his inner insecurities project unto Gekko. This is where a good handful of their conversations are had. To add, he is content with Gekko being more hands on rather than just speaking, but he can only guess so much when it comes to Gekko's honest feelings, and often has to push him to really be upfront about these.

While Gekko is always happy to accomodate Giyuu emotionally, he sometimes wishes that the latter had the initiative to work on his feelings on his own. Physically and mentally strong, yes. Emotionally? A wreck. He doesn't want to be the one to constantly spoonfeed Giyuu on what he can and should do so that his inferiority complex won't weigh down on him the way it does.

Their relationship as a whole is actually private. Both don't go out of their way to show off to spectators. Should anybody find out in their own way, then, they don't deny. Well, Gekko, at least. Giyuu often remains deadpan when confronted or asked about his relationship with Gekko.


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  • Listen, some empaths actually "feel" and "react" on the behalf of others. It's actually hard to 'turn off' their empathy because it's kind of a natural state for them. On most occasions, their intuition can help them weed out someone's feelings despite external defense mechanisms.
  • I just want to name this ship "Never Gonna Giyuu Up"
  • Ace boyfriends? Ace boyfriends. Nothing nasty here fellas.
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Profile by Erandia
Edted by Glasses-Dog