Teodor Venäläinen



7 years, 9 months ago


teodor aada olivia venäläinen

"Let the dead bury their dead"
Basic Info

Name [Teo]
Age [22]
Height [4'10]
Weight [107]
Gender [Intersex]
Species [Demigod (Child of Hades)]
Birthday [April 19, 2016]
pronouns [They/them]
ethnicity [Russian/Finnish]
Occupation [Actor]
Orientation [???]
S/O [Zheng Xiao Nai]
Design Notes

  • Beautiful
  • Pale skin
  • Pure white hair (fades to pink, dyed)
  • Pink eyes
  • C-cup
  • Frilly clothes

  • Fatal Flaw: Obedience
  • Powers: Umbrakinesis, Shadow Travel, Necromancy, Osteokinesis, Cursing 
  • Greatest Fear: ???
  • Theme: Polaroid by Imagine Dragons
  • Languages: Finnish, Russian, English, Greek, ASL
  • Allergic to cats
  • They have a dog, Lady, and an owl, Aurora.

Teo is soft in almost every sense of the word, although just like the Earth, there's layers to them. They're known for the gentle way they speak and the easy-going topsoil of their personality, giving off a 'do no harm' vibe that tends to draw many to them. They work hard to be as sweet and as trustworthy as possible, as they're afraid they're no use to anyone if they aren't. Telling Teo a secret is like whispering it into the ground; once the words leave your lips, the earth does not reveal it. They've never broken a promise, harmed someone's trust in them, or told a secret, and they avoid lying like the plague. 

However, Teo's need to make sure others are alright bites them in the ass a lot, as they never really take care of themself emotionally. While they seem soft and bright, like the moon, on the outside, Teo's inner turmoil is that of legends. They often let people walk all over them if only to keep a friend for more than a few months, and rarely talk about their own problems. In split seconds of incredible strife, maybe Teo will do something that makes themself feel better (i.e. a snarky comment) but they always end up feeling worse in the long run. They would never, ever even think about burdening someone with the truth of Teo's emotions, not even their own brothers. 

Like most shy people, once you get close to Teo, they change. Suddenly, they're playful, teasing, and almost petty sometimes.

Being a child actor, Teo was rarely out of the limelight, used to having everything they did criticized and tweaked until it was perfect. Because of this, they developed an intense fear of messing up, so they need to be perfect. The moment someone has negative feelings towards Teo, they panic and run themself ragged trying to fix it. 


  • Animals
  • Cosplay
  • Kids
  • Family

  • Being told what to do
  • Being disliked
  • Making mistakes

Was raised along with Anubis, believing Aada and Kaarlo Venäläinen were Teo's actual parents. 

They were dragged into a modeling firm after being mistaken for the owner's daughter. Their image takes off and before long Teo's being offered movie positions, and suddenly everyone knows how good of an actor they are. 

By the way, Anubis' mother is actually Teo's mother and Teo's dad is Hades, the Greek god. Aada and Kaarlo aren't related to Teo at all, but Teo still calls them mum and dad. Oh, also, Hades is the owner of the modeling firm. Everything ties in together! 


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.