
7 years, 8 months ago


  • Carrie

  • Age 2 ½ years old
  • Gender Female (She/Her)
  • Species Pharaoh Hound
  • Sexuality Bisexual Aromantic
  • Alignment content

"Out there's a world that calls for me"

Carrie lives her life as a perpetual vagabond. She wishes for nothing more than to see the world and to be free. Her adventures have taken her to just about every place imaginable, yet she refuses to settle in a permanent home. Accompanied by her best friend and companion, Ster Val, and her pet wyvern, they travel the world together.

(Profile is still a wip)


DoB: date of birth
Origin:Stormy village
Height: how tall
Build: Slender; Sighthound
Demeanor: Laid back
  • Ster Val
  • Adventures
  • Traveling
  • serious romantic relationships
  • prolonged stays in one place
  • dreary weather




Carrie was born in a small village based in an ever-green meadow. The village was plagued by constant thunderstorms caused by elusive lightning dragons that lived in the mountains that surronded them. Children were told stories of the dragons and their origins and warned against the dangers of going up there. These stories fueled Carrie's imagination and sparked her love for travel and exploration at a young age. She grew up running off into the forest and chasing rabbits on the hillside. But nothing could satisfy her curiosity about the alleged dragons.

When she was a teenager, the perpetual storms had come to an abrupt hault. It was expected as being only temporary at first, as there were short breaks between the constant storms, but as it continued, the village began to worry. There had never been a time where the weather had gone calm for this long. Carrie, ever curious, took it as an oppurtunity to find out for herself what stood at the top of the mountains. The journey was a strenuous one and took just over a week, but when Carrie arrived at the top of the mountain she could hardly believe what she saw. Before her laid a wyvern, its skin as dark as storm clouds and lightning danced at the tip of its tail.

Meeting Ster Val

Carrie's travels eventually lead her to the gates of Oziron, a wealthy city located by a desert oasis. As she browsed the markets that lined the streets, she was approached by another Pharaoh Hound named Ster Val. Ster Val lived in the palace just outside of town and rarely went beyond its walls. She was curious about Carrie and wished to talk to her, but not long after was retrieved by a guard to return to the palace. Before she left, she asked her to meet her by the river when everyone was asleep.

Intrigued by her, Carrie did as she was asked and waited for her at midnight. The two spent the night talking and stargazing, and when morning came a search party had come looking for Ster and were both taken back to Ster's fiance, Dookie. Seeing how attached Ster Val was to this newcomer and wishing to make her happy, he allowed Carrie to stay as a personal guest. During this time the pair became inseparable, spending late nights talking or venturing out into the city during the day.

As Ster Val grew closer to Carrie and spent all of her available time with her, Dookie grew jealous and confronted Carrie, saying that she was no longer welcome to stay. Carrie willingly agreed and told him that she would be gone the following morning. When Carrie told Ster about what happened, Ster asked to come with her, not wanting them to part and a desire to see the rest of the world. In the morning the pair left Oziron behind to start a new chapter of their lives.


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Ster Val

[ Platonic Soulmate ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Pet ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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