


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Imhotep
Pokemon Cofagrigus
Age 5003 yrs old
Nature Rash
Height 6'0"
Ability Mummy
Gender Cis Male
Characteristic Likes to thrash about

Gobi's fourth Pokemon, Imhotep has known Gobi since they were children. A foul-mouthed and rude individual, Imhotep is an ancient young punk who always seems to want to pick a fight wherever he goes. He has shown that his only true skill is to battle but with battling now banned in his home he has become even rowdier than before. A classic bully, he enjoys picking on other Pokemon and ignores his responsibilities as one of Gobi's original Pokemon. Gobi hopes it's a phase he will eventually go through.


  • Battling
  • Winning
  • Doing the opposite of whatever you say
  • Food (He's not picky!)


  • Cowardly ppl
  • Being lectured
  • Huojin
  • Sitting still


An ancient but "young" punk at heart. Often times the others wonder as to why he lashes out and does the things he does and assume it has something to do with what happened to him thousands of years ago when he was still alive. Despite being a loud mouthed fool he keeps his personal past life a secret and would rather leave the past behind him it seems. Aggressive, loud, and quick-tempered, Imhotep is difficult to befriend and be around. He is constantly seeking fights and almost always gets his ass handed to him but never seems to know how to quit. He especially enjoys fighting and picking on other Pokemon he deems weak or passive and no one fits this description quite like Huojin does. Imhotep is usually seen picking on or bothering Huojin despite having been on the main team for so long. Imhotep also seems to have issues with authority figures and this is apparent with his trainer Gobi as Gobi has recently banned battling and this has caused a rift in their friendship. Unable to destress now that battling has been banned, Imhotep only continues to get rowdier and much more annoying to be around.


  • Shadow Ball
  • Knock Off
  • Grudge
  • Hyper Beam


  • Always gets his ass handed to him and always loses fights he picks with others. Esp with Norman. Bertram, and Huojin.
  • Imhotep is not very can bribe him to do things with food but he will eventually catch on be careful.
  • Imhotep cares in his own way about others deep down.. it has shown that if befriended he can be extremely loyal.
  • Dislikes that his teammates have all chosen a passive life. Does not understand why his trainer stopped him from doing what he was so good at, it saddens him which often gets twisted into confusion and anger.
  • A classic bully. He will give you wedgies, swirlies, etc...
  • Has an incredibly long tonue. He uses it to grab stuff sometimes/cram food into his helmet.

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