


7 years, 9 months ago



Character Name

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"something else can go here"

theme by vom


Elisa used to be a diety, that controlled the skies. She became too lazy to do them , and even if she did, she took too long just to make them look pleasing to one’s eyes. And, when she became offended and talked back to the higher ups, they sent her down to the human world and banished her as a mortal, for five years. She now works as a hair stylist at a salon, in charge of dyeing hair and styling them as well.


Elisa is quite the perfectionist when it comes to doing something. It’ll take her forever on just one take, and not a lot of people can handle waiting that long. If she had a nickel for every time someone got fed up with her, she would definitely be a billionaire.

She doesn’t have many skills or talents to offer, or at least none that people know of. Elisa likes to keep her personality to people as a mystery, and rarely open up to people. Few people know what she actually is.

Fun facts

* her favorite animals are fireflies. Elisa has never ever seen one, since they could never fly far enough to the immortal lands

Some of her conversations

“You think I was banished from the immortal lands just to fix your split ends!!”

“please calm down miss, that is your job..”

“Then where’s my raise, for God’s sake?!”

“What is this ghastly, vile, foul taste in my mouth?”

“That is called coffee miss”

“This is what us mortals call a phone. You can call anyone on it”

“A phone? Then can we prank call the gods in the immortal lands?”