"Cyl" Fade



4 years, 5 months ago


Hex Codes: #18191B , #271916 , #412D26 , #69493E , #003A84 , #59DEFF


  • Known as 'Cyl' from his universe, used the name 'Fade' in the universe he ended up in.
  • Basically Shade from an alternate timeline, one where he was born to another set of parents but has the same soul and purpose. 
  • In his universe, he's unsuccessful. A failure at everything
  • Due to the nature of this and all the wreckage that's slipped past him, he's viewed more like a villain (but he isn't)
  • One day he basically tried to fix his timeline by altering things that had happened in the past, by cutting 'strings' of events
  • Doing this tore apart his universe beyond repair, and he was basically spat out of his own universe
  • He ended up in the current timeline, where Shade exists.
  • Initially, Shade assumed Cyl an enemy and had nearly killed him lmao
  • Despite nearly dying, Cyl had a lot of admiration for Shade- because he's everything Cyl himself couldn't be
  • From that point on, he's gone under the name 'Fade' and works by Shade as backup