


4 years, 6 months ago


  • Born in a small village
  • Mother was a dancer/songstress
  • Grandfather/caretaker posthumously was an avid historian. Interests in the spirit world especially 
  • Mother always told stories about her father
  • Her father was a trader and often sent her back objects of interest, which inspired her curiosity
  • she resented him always being gone, feeling abandoned, especially when he never came home, only wrote. Thought he hated her.
  • Found out later who her father really was, and what he did
  • Strong spiritual connections
  • Very learned
  • Very random knowledge
  • Excellent archer
  • Water bender but this was not a very well known fact
  • She was taken care of by village elders
  • however they were driven from their homes by the fire nation, and forced to settle elsewhere, where supplies were scare
  • Was an outcast in her home and seen as a mistake though she didn’t understand why 
  • Her village turns their backs on her finally, telling her shes 'just like her father" even though she isn't sure what that means
  • Accepts her peoples decisions, but isn't angry about it. Simply believes. "we don't have to agree with what you think. But I'll always defend your freedom to believe it. And I'll prove to you, one day, that you're wrong."
  • did not hate as her fellows did, however
  • believed heavily in forgiveness to avoid letting hate control ones life
  • In fact, she often went out of her way, in disguise, to heal the local fire nation settlement where he home once stood
  • was eventually driven from her home because of these thoughts and her defense of innocent fire nation civilians
  • Was under the control of a radical group in her village that tried to attack the fire nation town. They still try to get her back. 
  • Protected them from her own village and then both villages from a rogue spirit entity 
  • After seeing her compassion despite their contempt, they begin to respect her more.
  • She isn’t angry with them, and forgives them for all, though she holds some self resentment still. 
  • There is unification between her village and the fire nation village. A ray of hope for peace. 
  • She elects to travel to try and help spread this such message and hope.
  • Before leaving, she is given the first half of her father's journal sent to her so long ago "Follow his footsteps. Do not let your resent turn to hate. You are filled with understanding with so many other things. I know this is different. I know how personally you feel it, but try to understand. Embrace it."
  • Join's team avatar after this
  • An interaction with a Seeker of Knowledge furthered her connection to the spirit world and her strangely extensive knowledge. Some question if she is herself reincarnated from some spirit giving up it's imoortal form
    • This speculation holds its claims when it is discussed that Ronna might bear the will of a spirit of compassion that once guarded the valley in which Ronna's village lay, resulting in her even and good nature and kindness despite the trials she has faced in life, aiming to spread good will in a war torn world. This might also contribute to her extrasensory abilities she displays on a few occasions

Familial Background stuff:

Your parents met following the occupation of the Fire Nation in the area. He a soldier, she a citizen. The two found love with one another, and he abandoned his kind to be with her. A risky thing to do, yet they found peace with one another, soon blessed with a beautiful baby girl. You. But life could not remain as such. He was an officer of rank, and so, desertion was made all the graver. While he was gone one day, a trader as he was, the village was ransacked upon word reaching the nation that he was still in the area, a betrayer and a deserter. They burned out town, drove us from our homes, all while searching for him. But he was too far gone. But one day, the troops… they simply stopped. The soldiers diminished until only a select few were left among civilians now occupying the remains of our town. Forced from our home, our people blamed your father upon the discovery of what he had done, yet your mother shielded you from such rumors as long as she could, never wanting you to know the truth of who your father was. To you, he was an honest man, a trader, and a loving father. Yet one who had abandoned you. And for that, you resented him, despite that which he showered you with while he was gone. He gave to you, but he never come to you. To the rest of us, he was a symbol of our demise. And for his actions, you were seen with contempt, especially following the death of your mother. Blamed for that which you had no control over. Yet you still fought to save us. And with this fight, you brought hope for peace. 

We only learned later why the troops began to stop attacking. My father, the man that he was, did come back. But he didn’t come home. He sacrificed his freedom and his life to protect ours, baiting the fire nation and his former troops, forcing them to chase a traitor and seed chaos among the nation in the area and surrounding. He eventually found his way back to the fire nation, and continued to cause the trouble he had been so famous for, all the while making sure to write me, and assure me of his love and affections, granting me artifacts and articles I clung so happily to in my thirst for knowledge. As he continued in his quest to distract and contain, he turned to piracy, turning somewhat Robin Hood in his ideals, always doing what he could to protect and guide. However, it was not always so easy. Many innocents fell victim in his time, just as we had so long ago. However, his first though had always been myself, and those he loved. Up until his last moments, where he gave his life to protect innocent people from the wrath of his former troops and local lords, dragging them all to the bottom of the sea before finding his own final resting place in a place once unknown to me, but now discovered. Until the very end, his heart remained in the right place, even if he did bad things in his life. Despite this, he was a good man with good intentions. He only ever wanted to protect me. And it is for this, I will forever forgive him. I only hope that he too learned to forgive himself. 

For a time after his death, his letters stopped. However, not long after, they began to come once more, mysteriously. A promise fulfilled by a friend of his, he kept a young me hopeful of seeing my father again one day, despite my resentments, eve after my father’s death, trying to keep my innocence until a time where I could understand why he did what he did. My receiving of his first journal, coded, was the beginning for me to finally understand who he was by seeking to follow his trail. 

In regards to my anger, I have accepted that which has come to pass, and chosen to rise above it. The man who became my fathers tormentor was once his closest friend, turned enemy, having become friend once more. Realizing his mistakes, he helped my father to right both of their wrongs, before bringing my father to that place where he might finally rest and faking his own disappearance. It didn't take long for his son to assume control of his armies. Not that it mattered. He wanted selfish revenge. On my father. On me. but he was not to have it. in my search for my father and his chronological, I found this man, the man who began all of our woes. But as opposed to finding a bloodthirsty killer as I had dreamed, I found a man, regretting his life and choices he had made. He was evil to me, but to himself, a warrior of his people. Neither one was fair. He had made his mistakes yet offered up to himself and my father the chance for both of them to do the right thing, stopping his own people from destroying the innocent. they betrayed their very lords and leaders, scattering to the wind to spread the seed of hope. He gave my father an escape before laying him to rest, carrying out his wishes to keep my hope alive. When I first found him, I wasn't sure what to think. So long had my anger boiled yet similarly I had learned to calm and control. He regaled me 'Your father gave me the forgiveness I did not deserve. And in this, he changed my life forever. I am unworthy of his kindness. Old wounds take time to heal when opened. And I'll never be able to make it up to you. But I want to try. I just hope you can grant him the same forgiveness he granted me." It's a start. I never would have believed such a man would become like a father to me years after wars end. But I am forever grateful for such compassion and such forgiveness. 

In a time of war, there is no good guy or bad guy. We're all fighting for what we think is right. What makes us better than the others? Nothing. Everything is gray, neutral. So why should my compassion be any different? It is easy to believe something is right, but so much harder to prove it, especially when the world is outside looking in from their own windows. 

  • Starts off wondering where her father is- ignorant of his past and ties by way of mother and those protecting her
  • Leanrs of his fire nation roots
  • Learns of his part in the bruning of their home
  • Leanrs of his piracy
  • Learns of his kindness among it all
  • Learns of his demise
  • Forgives