Ronna (Ship)



4 years, 10 months ago


  • Obviously they didn’t meet during a great time in one another’s lives, and it was another thing that it was very brief but impactful
  • Ronnas compassion and capacity to see beyond the bitterness of war for the betterment of the world as a whole was somewhat awe-inspiring to him
  • Despite his attitude, Zuko’s actions spoke of a good man, and inspired hope in Ronna despite what the world might have thought. 
  • Both of their destinies would come to involve paving their own path in life and learning to live for themselves, something they have helped one another realize on multiple occasions
  • Whether intentional or not, Zuko was there for all of Ronna’s major realizations of her father, and watched her personally grow from the sacred and lost girl into a woman indenting to find her own way in life, leading herself to personal forgiveness
  • Likewise, Ronna herself watched on several occasions as Zuko fought his own battles with his feelings and emotions, and felt for him every step of the way as he felt the same realizations and degrading looks she knew well. 
  • As a result of their overlapping battles, the two formed a deep though sometimes invisible bond with one another through several occasions, even traveling together for a brief stint during his separation from Iroh and her own desire to follow leads on her father and check in with her town
  • Ronna always remembered the kindness he once showed her even in one of his worsts states, and took that to heart with her at every following encounter, refusing to actually fight him at these encounters
  • As a result, there are few times they have actually battled one another, but plenty where they have fought side by side
  • Likewise, Zuko always remembered the initial and continued compassion Ronna showed him throughout their encounters with one another and, though he might have claimed it as weakness vocally, he greatly appreciated the kindness and felt somewhat underserving of it following, not exactly sure how to respond to it
  • Upon their initial meeting, he asked her why she was so willing to help a fire nation soldier. She simply responded “Because you need help.”
  • He later asked the question, but rather asked “why help someone you know is an enemy” to which she responded “Because you aren’t my enemy. And even if you were, every person is deserving of kindness and compassion. It is the way of life.”
  • Basically, she helped reassure him of his importance as a person, and he gave to her the confidence to stop trying to please the world and start thinking for herself. 
  • Had a few interations in Ba Sing Sei. Never said anything about who they were, just, talked (especially bc of the link that Nai had formed with Ronna by this point, who at several points also accused her of having a crush on the teen)
  • They spoke of origins, troubles and goals, Ronna opening up to him about her own roots and goals and reservations, him being one of the first people she showed how vulnerable to guilt she really was
  • Thought they were really getting somewhere happy and content. Even considered staying back in the city with them
  • Which was why she was broken hearted following his actions to reclaim his place in the Fire Nation
  • She was sad, disappointed, especially following all his progress.
  • But she didn’t blame him. She didn’t hate him. She knew that people, sometimes they have to do what’s best for them
  • Was also there when she met with her grandparents for the first time again, though they were technically still enemies at the time
  • She was one of the first to trust and forgive him upon his request to join, which wasn’t saying much due to her prior naive behavior, but she had grown exponentially aware since then
  • Never once judged him for his choices
  • And he wouldn’t let her blame herself for her father’s choices and the actions of others
  • She wanted him there when she finished out her search for her father, making sure he was there from beginning to end
  • Shared a brief romantic moment following but she decided it was best to pull away as “it wasn’t right. Not right now.”
  • Remained good friend and had a cordial relationship with one another until it was the right time
  • She had her reservations due to the fact she didn’t really think her own roots were appropriate for her to be involved with someone of his station, especially of a different nation
  • But they made it work
  • He was a lot happier by this point, and the affection made it clear
  • Found love and acceptance with one another