


4 years, 10 months ago


Evangeline (Eva)

Character Name

Team Legends

Team Name


Art by Minish-Mae
Art by Minish-Mae


Nature Sassy
Characteristic Quick Tempered

Species Spooky Gothorita
Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her
Age 23

Height 5'5"
Position Member


Her VA is Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)

Eva has regrets of not telling her parents she was leaving home. She just hopes they’re doing well without her.

While she still has a bit of an attitude, she has been changing over time and beginning to show signs of empathy and compassion for others … slowly.

She uses her magic to create brews and potions to her liking. Some can transform people into objects for a brief amount of time, while others can give someone particularly beneficial effects.

She keeps a diary underneath her pillowcase and writes in it every night before bed. There’s plenty of tear stains and scribbled out names with violent curse words next to them.

Her birthday is October 31st!


Ability: Frisk

Learned Basic
When it enters a battle, the Pokémon can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.


Fake Tears

Learned Level Up
The user feigns crying to fluster the target. This harshly lowers the target's Sp. Def stat.


Learned TM
The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers the target's Attack stat.


Learned Level Up
The target is hit with a strong telekinetic force to inflict damage. This may also lower the target’s Sp. Def stat.

Magic Room

Learned Level Up
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.


Positive Trait

Fun Loving



Neutral Trait




Negative Trait




Fun Loving

She's the life of the party! Eva's always been one for fun times, parties, and an overall good time! If she's there, things are bound to be fun (at least for her!)


Eva loves what she does with a passion. Whether that's brewing, spellcasting, or ... finding people to be with for the night, it's never a dull moment when it comes to her passions!


She knows how to use her charming good looks and personality to her advantage. Other than that, she's very cute! Eva's no stranger to weaving her words carefully, her charismatic attitude leading her way to people's hearts and what benefits her in the end.


Eva's a very casual person. She never addresses her elders with "sir" or "ma'am" and would rather address them by name or just "Hey". That being said, even if it can come across as rude, she believes it's for the best. No reason to get attached to people who won't even bother to learn her name. This also seeps into her love-life, or lack thereof, usually meeting up for one-night stands and then dipping before learning much about the person she's with.


Eva carries herself highly; her pride practically flowing from her. The pride she carries has come from evolving into Gothorita and since then she's become even more confident in herself! That being said, it doesn't take long for her ego to get the better of her ...


Eva isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. Whether it's a good or bad thing may depend on what's been said and who's on the receiving end.


Eva's no stranger to flirts; hell, she even is one herself! She knows just the right thing to say to get someone to do whatever she wants; whether that's her dirty work, help her out, or bed her, it all comes down to telling the recipient what they wanna hear. Flattery and lewd comments are but a small sampling of what to expect from her. If her flirting doesn't work or her ideals are reciprocated, odds are she'll throw a fit and complain-- sometimes even throwing insults.


Her attitude problems know no bounds. Though she's gotten better with her aggression and anger towards others as she's grown older, her old ways will sometimes seep into the new. She has no problem standing her ground and berating someone for something they may not know they even did.


If Eva doesn't get her way, that's grounds for her to start throwing tantrums and even faking crocodile tears to get what she wants. Growing up, she was spoiled, and on top of that, being bullied gave her the wrong impression of how things are acquired in the real world. Though she's living on her own and living her life, she's still a child at heart and doesn't know what she's truly capable of.


Hometown & Island Name
Fall Holiday Hills, Kala Island

Content Warnings
Bullying and Physical Harm


Who would've thought that Eva was anything but the sassy, prideful, and childish woman people know her as today? Growing up, Eva was a kindhearted girl. She was sweet, bubbly, maybe a tad bit childish and spoiled, but her happiness and kindness towards others was genuine to say the least! She loved her parents with all her heart, and they loved her too. By all means, Eva should have had a wonderful life. However, growing up in Holiday Hills would prove to be her downfall. Tricksters, pranksters, and bullying found their way to little Eva rather swiftly. Whether it was her appearance, how she acted towards others, or just to pick on her, the inhabitants of the hills always found something to berate her on. It wasn't until things became physical and she was actually harmed by the people she thought to be her friends that she never looked back. If the world was going to be cruel to her, then she'd turn her back on them with no regrets. Instantly, Eva's whole persona and expression changed. She went from a carefree, kind girl to a petty, sarcastic, and miserable teenager.

She became stronger and perfected her magic, making brews and potions. While using magic took a lot out of her, she had enough to go back to her friends-- with all the power she could muster she used her magic to torment them and finally turned them into feral poliwags, even if only for a few moments. She cackled and laughed and felt so accomplished! Finally, she had the last laugh!! Ever since that day, she began perfecting her magic in more ways to be able to mess with people. Sure, it wasn't as controlled as other magic wielders, but what mattered is that she could mess with people who did her wrong. During her transformation, Eva also became increasingly flirtatious and chased after guys who only ended up hurting her in the end. That was also a factor in her changing her outlook on the world. If anybody so much as looked at wrong, POOF, become a Poliwag!

She harnessed her power for years and wanted to prove she was the strongest in the Haunted Woods. However, when she was approached by a Dragonair one day, she could tell this girl was strong. The two duked it out, Eva throwing in the magic power she could muster, but in the end it seemed the Dragonair was successful in putting her in her place. Eva would've been furious but ... something told her that she could learn alot from this girl. She introduced herself as Zephira and although she insisted the team was full, Eva didn't stop pestering at all. Eventually, the Dragonair gave in and let her join Team Legends. Eva was more than excited to start perfecting her magic and grow stronger by being on a team! Eventually, she'd show the world how strong she was! How wrong everyone was about her!

Everyone will be Poliwags!!!!

... And maybe she'd even find the love of her life ...