♡Chu-Chu♡ (♡ Mocha ♡)



6 years, 4 months ago



Basic Info
Name Mocha Frosting
Nickname Tsun-Tsun
Age 5
Birthday December 18th
Height 9 inches / 22cm
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Sweetchii
OriginGelid (Town)
Voice Taiga Aisaka (Toradora!)
Blood TypeB+
Orientation N/A
Occupation Kicking Your Ass
Status N/A
  • His Mom
  • Sweets / Candy / Treats
  • MMO Games
  • Head Pats (Will never admit)
  • Powder
  • Being Put in Timeout
  • Dumb Stupid Idiots
  • Being Touched
  • He is aggressive and incredibly hard to get used to. He will buck, bite, and sting anyone who gets too close for comfort. 

  • Not very fond of new people and will be suspicious of them. He's very judgmental and sees the worst in all aspects of them. He trusts no one.

  • His stings induce not only extreme pain, but lightheadedness, muscle spasms, fainting, temporary amnesia, swelling, and vomiting.

  • He is a picky eater. If there's anything in his bowl that he doesn't like, he won't eat it. Hell, he won't even touch it with a ten foot pole.

  • He's easily flustered when angry. His face gets all red, cheeks puffy, and his body floofs up into a small angry pom pom.

  • He'll punch you in the nose if you get too close to him. And then beat the shit out of you.

  • He barks and is quick to retort.

  • He loves MMO games! He even owns a headset to talk to other players. He has very bad gamer rage though, and gets banned rather regularly for his inappropriate behavior.


Tsundere . Stubborn . Hostile . Blunt . Protective  Aggressive , Secretly a Softie
"What are you? Stupid?!

A hot-headed Sweetchii. Mocha is very reserved and tries to look bigger than he actually is. He's very independent and has a big mouth filled with "colorful" words. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and will lash out if others criticize him for his behavior. He shows no remorse for his actions however afterwards he will re-think about what he did and feel guilty for what he said/or did. He is only comfortable around Chu-Chu and holds respect for her only. He thinks of her as a motherly figure and a princess. Strangers or unusual people are disliked by Mocha. He won't interact with them and will consider them as a threat to him or Chu-Chu. Mocha’s rough personality forces Chu-Chu to put him up whenever she has somebody over. He uses biting or stinging as a self defense mechanism.

Mocha secretly holds a softer side to him and is actually a sensitive Sweetchii.
Though, if you bring it up he'd just deny it and call you an idiot in the aftermath.


Mocha was born in Gelid, a rural town in the snowy mountains that was infested of Tearbells. As an egg, he was caught from the Sweets Tree and was received safely by Despondency. He ran home to show Sorrow the egg and wanted to keep it. His brother and Godmother allowed it and they kept watch over the Sweetchii egg. After a few months, the egg finally hatched and to Sorrow's surprise there were two Sweetchii's inside the egg. Despondency and Sorrow went ahead and kept the both of them, one for each of them. They named the animals Cake and Mocha. When Sorrow got his own place, Mocha began showing signs of aggression. He'd attack Sorrow randomly through-out the day and bite and sting him from being so temperamental. The Sweetchii also began hiding Sorrow's things such as his keys, wallet, and shoes causing a great amount of distress for Sorrow. The reason behind this was from the lack of attention Sorrow gave him from being too busy to give affection for Mocha.

This resulted in Mocha acting violent towards Sorrow and would bite him on a daily basis. Things got worse when Mocha started making attempts to run out of the house which caused difficulties for both Sorrow and Despondency. The Tearbell couldn't handle the small floof anymore and gifted Confetti to his co-worker, Chu-Chu. He was skeptical of Chu-Chu first time meeting her but slowly grew to love her and her very being. His taming session went well with her and he developed a very strong bond with his owner.  She gave Mocha the love and affection that he needed which made him calm down a bit more. He now lives a more peaceful life in her home. He likes to sing to Chu-Chu to share his happiness with her. 




Chu-Chu | (Mom)

Mocha is Chu-Chu's protector, provider, and most importantly, friendly pet companion. He will travel hell and back for her, risking his life to help her by any means. He has strong respect for his owner and is utterly affectionate with her. He thinks of her more of a mother than a owner and even calls her mom. He is a mama's boy.


Cake | (Twin Brother)



Powder | (Hates)
