


4 years, 5 months ago


A jolly, peppy guy, García is basically a pinata monster with a splash of chupacabra in their DNA. And as one may expect from his attitude and appearance, he's quite an entertainer. A street performer, to be exact. He can do anything to get a laugh and/or make people happy: Physical comedy, mime, musical numbers, comedy routines, anything of the sort. While his appearance certainly gives off a goofball demeanor, though, García is actually quite intelligent, especially when it comes to comedy, and does take his acts seriously. The gaping maw on his chest not only acts as a second mouth, but also as a hammerspace of sort, storing away any props or tools inside of his body. At the center of it is a huge core of sugar, which also allows him to create candy over time that he can pass out. When not in use, though, García tends to keep his belly mouth closed, seamlessly disappearing. However, one rare occasions, García's chupacabra side can get to his second mouth if not taken care of, and it may try to open up and lunge at anything to devour. If it doesmange to gulp someone down, well, the results after mixing with that sugar core can be...odd...