
Gender: Male

Age: 23

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Yellow

Tail Color: Orange

Genie Type: Modern

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Statues, His Home

Hates: Invaders, Politics

    Lucca use to be a rich elf who lived in a stone mansion, carving out statues. One day while working, he couldn't reach high enough and wished he could. Then one day, a witch came to his door, offering something that could do just that. He drank it and became a free genie, to the witch's surprise, to the point she teleports away. With his new found powers, all he did was make his stone mansion hang off a tree with ease, sculpt statues several stories high, hire more people and... that's it. He prefers to keep his genie powers to a minimum because of how powerful his full potential is, as he's worried he may get too out of hand.