Atreyu's Comments

TEENY MOCHI ATREYUUU //stuffs them in my mouth

Soon all Lunaith will be extinct because they got confused with mochi and eaten. uvu

Thats...thats such a tragic fate omg ;;7;;) hang in there lil' mochis!!

I wouldn't mind opening up a Lunaith mochi shelter at my place! >8D


SCREAMMMS YOUR LUNAITH~!! oh gosh they're so pretty definitely worth the wait///// ((i know i'm drawing Brunhilde and Oneiros for you but can i also draw this cutie?? they're just so charming agh <3333

Indeed! I love him so much! Gaaah~ And of course! You can draw him instead of Oneiros if you want! Don't want you to have too much work. Thank you so much! <33

I can't get over how lovely those markings are~! so elegant and bold!! ++*+* I already started drawing both ((will update you when lined for any possible changes!)) but honestly, i'm crazy for lunaith so drawing Atreyu would be a delight rather than more work! <33

Yes, I am totally in love with them. Especially the ones on the back wings/cape-things. Q////Q

Ooooh! I am so looking forward to them! And also your upcoming Nyroi designs! Thank you so much! It would really make me happy to see more art of him! ;v; <33