


4 years, 7 months ago



??? (adult) . nb male . pansexual
how he needs me so... and he'll be the last. to. know. it.
  • people-watching
  • adventuring
  • seeking pleasure
  • ice cream
  • hunger
  • being ignored
  • that distant song
  • impermanence

whisper, also known as echo (and countless other names - demons need several, for reasons they don't tend to explain), is the primary traveling partner of galley appolonia. he provides a much-needed bit of levity to galley's constant brooding behavior, and he's wiser than galley about quite a few things - not that galley has a clue, seeing himself as infinitely more competent, mature and serious.

he sees his current adventuring situation as a sort of vacation! normally, you would think sex demons have to work for their meals, but contrary to popular opinion, they can get energy from several different sources. one of them being sexual frustration/repression, of which galley has SO MUCH, despite thinking he's too badass and broken for intimacy! you know a bitch is eating good and living lavish

... the truth is, he would be happier around other people. he isn't entirely aware of that, but his life with galley is one full of constant stress, annoyance and... heartache. you heard that right! yes, yes, the snarky and confident sex demon has fallen in love with the emotionally unavailable, borderline-asexual mess of toxic masculinity and trauma. laugh all you want! i-it's not like he expects anything to end up in a relationship, nor is he sure he wants one. so obviously, it doesn't hurt when galley looks at him now and again like he's some deranged hyperfeminine sex maniac.

but. whisper has to know, on some level, that galley's death-seeking quest will only end in death, right? he won't be able to save galley from himself. his death will be senseless and it will fix nothing with the world. god bless, goodnight.

theme: jealousies