Kyo Writer (Kyo Writer (GCEA))



2 years, 9 months ago


This is the original draft of Kyo's character based on a TTRPG. Information here is outdated and may not relate to the askblog form of this character.

Kyo Writer
28 | She/Her | Lesbian


Partner Pokemon: Meowstic


Kyo is a First Lieutenant in a group known as the White Rockets, who serve as Kanto's military in the war against Johto. She's generally very friendly, but can seem intimidating due to her military training. While she doesn't always nickname her Pokémon she still cares for them a great deal and would never wish for harm to come to them. At the end of the events of GCEA Decimation Blue, she had since left the White Rockets to pursue her own path in life. She is also dating a young woman named Meg.


Kyo is originally from Driftveil City in the Unova region. When she was young, Team Plasma was just starting to pick up speed and ultimately set her on a course for life after they forced her parents to release the family's pet, a Vulpix. She eventually moved to Kalos with her family where she obtained her first Pokemon, an Espurr. Then, when she was an adult, Kyo learned of the White Rocket Program in Kanto and felt their message of stomping out bad actors was something she could get behind.

Pokemon Team

  • Meowstic (female) - Kyo's first Pokémon and her partner through all these adventures.
  • Clefable (female) - One of the two Pokémon Kyo received upon promotion to Second Lieutenant in the White Rockets.
  • Starmie (agender) - The other of the two Pokémon Kyo received upon promotion to Second Lieutenant.
  • Hadur the shiny Gallade (male) - One of four Pokémon given to her upon promotion to First Lieutenant.
  • Zeme the Megaium (female) - One of four Pokémon given to her upon promotion to First Lieutenant.
  • Morpheus the Zoroark (male) - One of four Pokémon given to her upon promotion to First Lieutenant.
  • Achyls the Scolipede (female) - One of four Pokémon given to her upon promotion to First Lieutenant.
  • Light Rotom (agender) - Hatched from a mysterious egg Kyo found. Super effective against Shadow Pokémon. Looks like this.
  • Meowth (male) - One of the Pokemon Kyo received upon joining the White Rockets.
  • Sandshrew (female) - One of the Pokemon Kyo received upon joining the White Rockets.
  • Squirtle (male) - One of the Pokemon Kyo received upon joining the White Rockets.
  • Nuzleaf (male)- One of the Pokemon Kyo received upon joining the White Rockets.
  • Natu (female) - One of the Pokemon Kyo caught in the Sevii Islands.
  • Scraggy (male) - One of the Pokemon Kyo caught in the Sevii Islands.


Meowstic, her girlfriend, Rapidash, Psychic types, sweets, and order


Pokemon abuse, Team Plasma, other villainous teams, sour foods, and chaos

HTML Profile by Coywolfy