Takeru Ikeda



4 years, 6 months ago



Name Takeru Ikeda
Birthdate December 11
Age Part I: 42 / Part II: 44
Gender Male
Height 178cm
Bloodtype AB
Affiliation Konohagakure
Nature Type Wind, Earth Release
Ninja Registration # 006603
Occupation Jounin | Ex-ANBU
Voice Actor (jpn.) Takaya Kuroda
Voice Actor (eng.) Darin de Paul


  • Tea
  • Flirting
  • Meditating


  • Gambling
  • Bugs
  • Stubborness




Similar to the Raikage's ability to cover himself in Lightning Release Chakra Mode, except with Wind Chakra. This allows his close range physical attacks to be quicker and more powerful. He also has long range ninjutsu for offensive or to push away opponents.

Due to family relations in the Nadeshiko Village, he can use Hardliner style techniques, in addition to many other common wind-style jutsu.


Takeru was the first born son of the matriarchal Ikeda family. He showed great ability at a young age in nin and taijutsu and graduated from the academy fairly early, a few months after prodigy classmate Minato. While being placed on his genin team, he butts heads more often than not with his sensei Toboe Inuzuka, who favors action over thought, and is jealous of Minato's own placement on Jiraiya's team, a man of the village that Takeru looked up to in his youth. Eventually, he finds common ground with his own teacher and moves through the ranks of shinobi with high skill.

In his late teens, Takeru is asked to join the ANBU Black Ops. He gladly excepts, honored to be considered and happy to help the village in any way he can. With the ANBU, he hones his skills in stealth and surveillance, and after many years finds himself as the squad leader on several missions, valued for his intellegence and strategic mind. Eventually, after many years, he is ready to take a break from ANBU-intense missions and decideds to move on. The Hokage suggests he becomes a genin teacher in hopes to train them to be future memebers of the ANBU. Takeru agrees.

When Takeru is given his students he feels very blessed that, for the most part, they are managable. Kyoshin and he share a chakra nature, and he teaches the boy (who comes from a cilivian family) how to take the most advantage of it. Nanami is fairly independent already and doesn't take too much work to get her motivated for training. Hiroto is the hardest to teach because of how closed off his is emotionally; Takeru finds he is able to remedy this with simple expressions of kindness and long talks at trips to lunch. He adores his students. Before too long he sees them as ready to take on the Chunin exams, and he is very proud as one by one they pass. None of them grow to become members of ANBU as intended, but he is still happy he got to teach them nonetheless

As Takeru and his students grow older, he tries his best to stay in their lives as a mentor and confidant. He helps Kyo achive his dreams of becoming a teacher, continues to go on several missions with Nanami, and supports and visits Hiroto (who has given up being a ninja) every chance he can to offer a hand and his wisdom.


  • Takeru graduated the Academy at 10 and was promoted to Chunin at 12
  • Immidate family includes Unyo Ikeda (father) and Tsuta Ikeda (Mother)
  • Favorite food is _________, least favorite food is _______
  • Faceclaim is TBD
  • Enjoys reading the Icha Icha series. Genuinely thought they were intended to be comedies, not romance, for the longest time.



Hiroto Fukuyo [ student ]



Nanami Aoyama [ student ]



Kyoshin Moto [ student ]


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