Jason Moore



4 years, 5 months ago


He's so... basic and boring... but I need a filler character.

Name: Jason Moore

Age: 37 Birthdate: July 27th,1982

Gender: Male

Personality n Stuff: Kindhearted and hardworking, he often helps others before himself. He had a rough childhood which gave him a more empathetic approach to people despite how he grew up. He isn't ignorant and can tell when someone is truly a bad person or may harm others, he tries not to be confrontational but he will act if necessary to protect someone. 

Other: Jason works the typical nine to five office job and lives in a small apartment in the city, he often struggles to make ends meet but will still help those in need. He originally wanted to be a police officer but flunked out of the academy. He lives in a rougher neighborhood and lives alone. He took in Morgan as his adopted child but did not go to the police or any authorities due to the circumstances around her because he understood that if he allowed the public to know of her it would put her in danger. 

Morgan currently has no memory of him (for now, may change but I need to come up with a better thing for it), due to a car accident they both were in. He permanently injured his left arm, leaving it relatively hard to use, oftentimes he has to wear a sling for it. He also has some chronic back pain from the accident. If you want a bit more detailed info on his relations with Morgan you can read Morgan's bio.