


4 years, 5 months ago



Another World's Composer
"Why, it's simple- every abnormality has their own tempo. Simply play to that tempo and you'll be perfectly safe!"


Name Piper
Gender Male
Highest Stat Justice
Assignment CentComm 2
Primary Workshift Insight

E.G.O. / Design Notes

Suit: Da Capo
Weapon: Da Capo
Gifts: Da Capo (Eye), Harmony (Cheek), Galaxy (Brooch)

- The little cowlick at the base of his hair is supposed to be shaped like a quarter-note.
- Unless he's actually possessed by Singing Machine, he should have only one drip below each eye. It looks a bit more like fancy eyeliner.


Central Command division 2, highest stat is Justice tied with Prudence. Piper is an eccentric musician from parts unknown- though he speaks with a noticeable English accent- who seems to greatly enjoy his work, practically dancing through the halls of Central Command as he's assigned around the facility. Joyful and upbeat but definitely a little bit "out there", he seems to unsettle his fellow employees a little bit, partially because of his highly unusual eyes. Yellow sclera, white irises, and pupils shaped like music notes- his eyes are identical to those of an employee enthralled by the music of the Singing Machine! Naturally quite concerning for many, more than a few employees instinctively avoided him until it soon became clear that he was not, in fact, possessed, and his appearance- much like Hao, who he gets along decently well with- seemed to simply be a result of whatever odd quirks surround this branch of the Corporation. He loves to perform and always enjoys putting a little bit of style into his work...and can be a little over-dramatic at times.

Being a musician himself, Piper seems to be quite interested in abnormalities who produce or revolve around music. He works quite a bit with the Bird of Judgement- simply because he's strong enough in all ways to be able to resist the unique Pale damage that the bird is capable of inflicting- but he enjoys hearing the sound of Laetitia's music box from the floor above, and there are a few abnormalities he's heard of from other branches of the corporation that he seems very interested in seeing and interacting with. He particularly seems to talk a lot about the Silent Orchestra. How he dreams of hearing their symphony, even if it costs him his life! He can also occasionally be heard playing the piano in La Luna's containment chamber, and takes great pride in his playing.

For how much he creeps everyone out, everyone pretty much universally agrees that the man has a godly singing voice.