


4 years, 5 months ago


Valentine (Val)
27 y.o.
Male he/him - bi
Half-elf, 2nd tier
Neutral good
Birds, lakes, learning, helping, herbs
Blood, dark, violence, meat, open spaces

Kind · Sensitive · Naive · Gloomy

The educated and studious man who grew up with kinda strict parents and then decided to dedicate his life to others. He comes off as polite, and tries to avoid conflict while working hard to improve other people's life conditions as a non-magic doctor specialized in physioteraphy, caring for others injuries and rehabilitation...until he became a heretic due to poor choices, his naivety, fear and love.


Being a hunter too, he's in good physical shape and doesn't have major scars, though he lost his hearing during a fight. He mostly struggles with grief over patients or hurting others, to the point that violence, blood and death in the battlefield makes him either dissociate or panic half of the time.

Through his father and some doctor friends he learnt how to control his emotions in public, mostly to not let out his insecurity take over him and to keep calm to soothe patients. After timeskip he's got a lot of doubts, because he doesn't feel he fits neither within angels nor with Ilenne and Ray.


  • Researching - whether from book or life he loves understanding the fauna/flora of different environments
  • Recording - he investigates uses and properties of herbs
  • Chess - always up to play with Ilenne


  • He has a robin familiar with whom he can communicate
  • While not vegetarian, he tries to eat meat and fish just when needed
  • He's ambidextrous but tends to use the left when fighting


  • Since he sleeps 4-6h he usually sleeps during early morning
  • Tends to apologize more than he should and bottles up his worries/fears
  • You can hear him humming when he's happy (and Ilenne thinks that's cute)
  • In post-timeskip he gets the habit of drinking sometimes to escape his thoughts...which surely worries Ray


  • Bird communication - his interest lead him to learn chirps so he sort of understands and communicates with birds
  • Thanks to his mother he knows how to meditate or half-sleep, sort of like dolphins
  • As long as he's calm himself he can soothe others through touch. It's not a magic nor active skill, it just happens and he actually discovered this skill by accident


Playing chess with Ilenne, either pre or post timeskip

Collecting, storing, researching or using herbs of any sort either for medicinal or food purpouse

Chirping or spending time with birds or his birb robin familiar

Writing down notes with Ilenne, or investigating with her on their workspace, since they spend quite some time on their desks checking out each other's work. Also: they both sort of research poisons and antidotes so they often work together in that

Checking on someone else's scars, wounds or lesions. He's a doctor after all...

Any sort of angst-y/drama scene involving him seeing blood on his hands (which is not there, its sort of metaphorical), spacing out or feeling detached from things around him because he struggles with reality.


Note: this isn't a love triangle, it's an open relation between Ile-Ray-Val

Ilenne [ Girlfriend ]

Partners in crime, best friends, battling comrades and most importantly lovers. They trust each other in and out of battle. Though they've known each other for a long time and they are intimate, they almost never show affection in public due to Val being a doctor. She often finds comfort in him, as he is always open to be with her without asking any questions - Ile often matches that for him when she's feeling ok, comforting him and listening to his worries if he wants to share them. They've very rarely argued ever since they met each other, and Val has helped Ilenne calm down several times, even when she has troubles with Ray.


Rayna [ Friend ]

Good friends since they started knowing each other among the celestials' ranks. Originally, Val was the one who met Ray first, as he took care of them after a battle, and later they had another chance to start talking as Ray covered his back during a different fight. Val is really patient with Rayna, as he knows how they are, though in pre-timeskip they felt as if they would never really understand each other. In post-timeskip their friendship only gets closer and they become more caring of each other, seeing them as family, accepting their different mindsets and yet influencing it.


Noah [ Friend and ex ]

The fact that they are friends and were boyfriends once is something practically no one knows. Neither of them talk about the other for the sake of their safety and public image. Their relation ended a bit bad, yet with time they stayed as friends. Noah was the one Val trusted to help them if things went wrong during the incident, and it's partially because of him that the main three sort of made it out alive.


Lys [ Mentor and friend ]

Lys is Val's chief, mentor and friend. He serves on the doctor group under her orders, and Lys is the one who helped him the most when he started working. They got a similar mindset about "if we can't stop war and violence, then we'll try to ease people's pain" and often work together, learning from each other too. She also helps him dealing with grief and keeping some distance with patients when needed


Gabriel [ Good friend ]

They are two good friends who have studied together sometimes and who work under Lys' orders, though in different specializations. Both are calm people who share their will to help others and who trust each other to talk about what's on their minds. It might also affect that they had an affair and eventually realized they did have feelings for each other - though they both agreed their relation wouldn't work because both are doctors. It was uncomfortable right after this but due to their shared ideals, personality and friendship they remained together as good friends, supporting each other. Gab is well aware of Val's insecurities, while he knows of Gab's curse which they don't talk about.


Isviel and Micah [ Parents ]

Val's parents, who were kind of strict with his upbringing/education and studies - Isviel taught him about nature, hunting and survival, while Micah taught him how to deal with people, keep up a facade and in general how the society worked. Admittedly his mom was a bit more personal with him while his dad mostly wanted Val to succeed him, something Val rejected, deciding to be a doctor instead. Since then he mostly keeps a relation with Isviel, since Micah is too focused on his job.

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