UFT | UFO's Comments

Hey if he's still for trade  does anyone in my tentative or ufs uft folder interest ya? 

Sorry! nothing interested me ^^

Aw that's a shame, but understandable, have a great day ❤️

If he's still UFT, do you see anyone you like? I can also offer art! ^^ Also, feel free to branch out of the UFT/UFS/UFO folder! (Darling dolls is my ladies and Little guys is my gents!)

Sorry! nothing interested me ^^

Hi! Does anyone in my toyhouse (most likely in misc, tertiary, uft/ufs secondary) interest you?

thank u !♡

Aa sorry for the late response! Unfortunately, I don't see anyone that interests me.

Do you accept art I can offer you several art if you are interested let me know I leave you my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astral_drawing/

Anyone in my th for them :0?

Could I offer anybody in this folder? https://toyhou.se/yawnderes/characters/folder:1589519

Heyy would you be interested in trading for anyone from here?



hi! i didn't see anyone of interest, apologies!

What an adorable character; I absolutely LOVE the color scheme

ahhh, tysm for the comment! it's appreciated!!

Oh my gosh, he is a good boy! Thanks for sharing him in the thread, I don't think I would've seen this boy otherwise and that would've been a shame!

ohhh, tysm!! i'm glad you liked him enough to leave such a lovely comment!!

of course, it's np!