


4 years, 6 months ago


A strange white-haired paladin with a strange lifetime curse.

Faithful . Chivalrous . Tense . Passive

"I hereby pledge my allegiance to my Lord as a paladin."

Name Atmile Cohen
Called Millie
Age 22
DoB 26 Nov
Gender Male
Height 5ft. 11in. | 180.3 cm
Race Sakuramimi x Sakusute Crossbreed
Role Personal Butler
Demeanor Faithful
S.O. Demi
evil spirits
black coffee


Atmile (more known as Millie), has his name known as a rising actor who's currently active in Stellarium. Unlike his older brother Diablo, Atmile always appears as a serious yet reserved person when to comes to his career. He too is a bit shy for his own good and he sometimes would overthink a lot and gets overwhelmed by his own thoughts. He has been yearning for a peaceful life where he would, at last, don't have to fight with his inner negative emotions, and he's still waiting for that day to finally happen.

Atmile was never the family favorite because he was born with an unknown curse. He used to remember suffering from getting possessed by impurities because he's physically weak and the curse worsens his condition since he was little. Because of that, he used to be jealous all the time of his older brother who gets all the compliments and rewards from their parents. He hated himself because he couldn't become what the family wants him to be, and he couldn't be as great and talented as his older brother. Though Atmile was really surprised when he found out that his older brother secretly cares about him, and the jealousy he had towards his older brother since then started converting itself to admiration. How he wished that they can be together doing things they like, but that was never the case.

Time passed and Atmile realized that his older brother reached adolescence, which based on a family rule, he has to leave the house. Atmile felt sad and overwhelmed by negative emotions, which made him even more vulnerable. When Atmile was given a chance to learn how to defend himself from Diablo and also a little gift before the latter left, Atmile was still sad about his older brother leaving, but promised that he'll make use of what he learned in the future.

After Diablo left, Atmile was unsurprisingly given high expectations from his parents. From that time on, Atmile was overwhelmed by the expectation as he started wondering whether this is how his older brother truly feels about his achievements. He wondered whether his older brother actually in fact, really would leave this household for good even if it would betray his typical image and reputation. Atmile couldn't understand how his older brother really feels about this house, but he one day, does want to meet him again and ask about it. In the meantime, Atmile tries to reach the household's expectations, but he's never happy about what he achieved at all as if he's just a tool for others to get some fame and reputation.

Before Atmile could even realize it, he's slowly reaching the age where he can at last leave this family environment, but he never expected that the day he'll be leaving the household is also the day where a tragedy happened to that same place. Demons invaded the household, and at that time, Atmile witnessed a necromancer wiping out everyone from the household including his parents who fell into their demise tragically as all are left were materialistic items and ashes. Atmile wanted to run away but was immediately spotted by the necromancer. He readied himself to fight back but for some reason, Atmile is not targeted despite being spotted. All the necromancer did was walk away from the scene, never to be seen by the public ever again. Atmile felt overwhelmed when he saw the gruesome scene the necromancer left behind yet he was more suspicious about the identity of the necromancer. He pledged to himself that he will find the necromancer even if it would take a lot of time. Thus, he started his journey alone to start his search for the necromancer.

Atmile carried the luggage he packed out from his home, burned the house where only bodies and ashes remain into ashes. He then decided to never turn back until he fulfilled his goal. He was picked up by a sanctuary owner who was a sympathetic old man. He understood the young lad's situation. Atmile was given a place to live as he spends his time studying divine magic with the help of the old man. Things went pretty well much to Atmile's surprise, and he, at last, became the person he wanted to be. He became a paladin and strived to fight for righteousness. Somewhere in him hoped that his elder brother would be able to see his achievements, but felt a bit pensive as he imagined his older brother returning home just to find blown ashes and bones instead of a household. But after a while, he decided that it's not really the time to think about his older brother's emotions, he just wants to know the identity of the necromancer.

It had been a few months later when Atmile finally decided to learn about the origin of his curse. It was a high-grade curse from a demon lord where it could only be removed if the caster removes it, or if the caster lost their life and does not have a vessel to control the curse. Atmile had the conclusion that maybe he'll be able to look for the demon lord if he tried defeating and purifying impurities during his journey. Thus, Atmile would be seen cluelessly defeating some low-ranked demons to look for clues to start his search.

After a long moment of the same routine of defeating monsters, Atmile found that there's a demon lord's fortress, and it was said that the caster of his curse is in there. Atmile made up his goal to start an attack on the fortress as soon as possible, as he wanted to break his curse and then proceed to look for his brother after it's all resolved. Knowing what to do now, Atmile prepared himself to fight the demon lord all by himself. He fought and defeated a lot of demons during his journey to face the demon lord, even the demon lord's few generals couldn't get onto his way. Thinking that the battle will go smoothly, Atmile started to feel impatient and ran to the demon lord's throne... but got intercepted by a familiar figure on his way. Atmile did have his suspicions, but the figure really was the necromancer he encountered on that gruesome incident.

Without hesitation, Atmile struck the necromancer out of anger, but the necromancer's moves were agile and skilled, Atmile was struck in a state of shock. Atmile continues to attack, but the necromancer dodged his attacks as swift as possible. Atmile started to feel even more impatient, but as he tried to leave a final blow to the necromancer, the necromancer seemed to get impatient too and give Atmile a fatal blow. That blow was painful, but with that blow, Atmile calmed down and tried to look at the necromancer's face in detail... which made him surprised yet angry. Who would even imagine that the necromancer was Atmile's long-lost brother??

Atmile still couldn't hold his anger. He wanted to fight back but he was too tired to move. He looked at his older brother in dismay, asking his brother why did he join forces with demons, even becoming the demon lord's subordinate. His brother paused before trying to say something before the demon lord of the fortress who got bored of the fight appeared out of a sudden and decided to "spice things up" according to his need for entertainment. Millie suddenly felt like his curse became an unbreakable force, started restraining his movements and was trying to control his body and mind. He at the end couldn't break himself from this burden and completely lost himself. That moment on, his consciousness became fuzzy, but in the fuzziness, he vaguely remembered someone apologizing and him while crying and there was also an empty feeling on his chest he couldn't describe at all. But Atmile felt like that was probably the end for him as he closed his eyes in sadness.

That was just all Atmile could remember from his old past as he stared at a deep and unfading scar on his chest. Until this day, Atmile rarely gets himself a break. He never do even after he's given a second chance to live a new life. He always felt like he'll always be alone in an unfamiliar world as he desperately tries to connect himself to it. To the paladin, living a second life still felt like living in misery. He's currently trying to fulfill his duties as a butler, and later started a career as an actor as he tries to follow his elder brother's footsteps. As much he's trying his best, he always felt like another incurable curse- a.k.a. himself would never seem to be purified. Honestly, that's what he really thought about himself, even to this day. But then, he was hoping to look for his brother to seek the truth behind his actions. Even if it will cost everything.




Atmile is actually a crybaby since young. He still has a tendency to sniff just a bit even until his day, but he will never show it to anyone else because it's embarrassing.

He has the tendency to force himself to do something he hates. For example, he drinks black coffee despite doesn't like the bitterness.

Atmile's "curse" usually is caused by him being overwhelmed by negative emotions instead of the curse left by the demon lord. Although the cursed paladin has no idea that his emotions influences the severity of the curse.

He as a butler and as a paladin will do literally anything to protect and show affection to his lord. Loyal to his lord and only his lord.

Cherry blossoms taste like fresh vanilla milk. Sometimes Atmile grinds it in hopes that it can be edible in different ways.




Older Brother

Atmile was always jealous of Diablo because he would always get praises from their parents, but it slowly turned into admiration when Atmile realized that Diablo really cares about him despite the former being a cursed child. Atmile really admire that his older brother can do anything, but he sometimes overthink whether Diablo actually despises him despite the heartwarming care. Presently, he can't help but feel touched yet a bit awkward when Diablo would still treat him like a kid, but it seemed... better than nothing.




Atmile's relationship with Stella... is a bit odd. All started when Stella wanted to scout Atmile to become an actor out of nowhere, which Atmile one day reluctantly agreed to do so. Stella's nature makes Atmile confused what's behind Stella's energetic and optimistic personality, then feels confused again when he found out that there's isn't anything hidden benath that joyful and playful demeanor of hers, based on what he know from the other people Stella scouted to join her entertainment agency. In the end, Atmile really has no idea how Stella's mindset works at all.