✧. Mayamor ◇◇◆



4 years, 6 months ago


Name Mayamor
Species Demon
SubSpecies Damen
Sin Greed / Envy
Gender Female
Pronouns She / Her
Relationship Single
Alignment True Neutral
Death Starvation
Theme [song]

Status Not for Sale
Designer Najishio
Worth N / A


" Quote Here . . . "

- The sixth reincarnate of Damen.
- Has no memories of her past lives ; nor awareness of the time loops.
- Due to her Greed sin, she acts more as a parasite than other Greed or Envy demons. She must devote herself to one individual and drain their sanity / dreams away to survive. She cannot leave the individual until they have died or gone completely insane.
- While aware of her status, as a member of a Greed family she is belittled rather than put on a pedestal like most other reincarnates are. Her powers are weak and she cannot produce as good of results as other Greed demons.
- Almost always starves as she's unwilling to stick herself to an individual to feed. She does it once every life, and every life that individual traumatizes her as she witnesses their actions due to their descent.
- A female Damen, so as such she suffers mild discomfort in her body, but not enough to consider herself male.

Mayamor is the sixth reincarnate. Her Greed sin results in a strange physical composition, that makes her act like a parasite to others as she absorbs energy. A constantly /stressed/ and high-strung demon, she struggles her entire life over her composition. She holds no memories of her past lives, and dies from starvation.

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