✧. Taehrir ◇◇◆



4 years, 6 months ago


Name Tanii
Species Demon
SubSpecies Damen
Sin Sloth / Envy
Gender Male
Pronouns He / Him
Relationship Single
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Death Murdered by humans
Theme [song]

Status Not for Sale
Designer Najishio
Worth N / A


" Quote Here . . . "

- The second to last reincarnate of Damen.
- Has no memory of the timeloops ; aware of his status, but it makes him uncomfortable so he avoids other demons.
- Due to his sloth sin, he clings to and follows random individuals around that he knows / has known in past timeloops. While he cannot become their familiar, he instinctually is guided to cling to others. He gets called annoying a lot.
- Very few powers of Damen were gifted to him. He can float, enter + eat dreams, and track individuals he has met previously in a previous life / timeloop and teleport to them.
- Prefers to have a chill " what does it matter ? " mindset.
- Hiding on the earthen plane.

Tanii is the second to last reincarnate, and holds no memories of his past lives. His sloth sin causes him to become attached to specific individuals, and follow them around like a familiar ( despite having the abilities and qualities of an envy demon ). Tanii just wants to live his life, and bug talk to others while he’s at it. He dies at the hands of humans ( or angels ).

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