♕ Ava ♕



7 years, 8 months ago




"Let's bake something sweet together! ♫"
Basic Info

Name Ava
Gender Female
Birthday May 15th
Height 5'0" / 152.4 cm
Weight 105 lbs / 47.6 kg
Ear Type Fluffy deer
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Waitress & Streamer
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 290
Value $532 USD
Design Notes

  • She is a Dainty, she has hooved deer legs and her stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Unless otherwise specified, please draw her in the outfit with the blue cardigan.
  • The bow around her neck is not optional!
  • Please color-pick off her reference.
  • She has a middle part, and her bangs are roughly symmetrically styled on either side.

  • By day, Ava's a very popular waitress at a local cafe. In her free time, she shops and plays video games both on and off stream!
  • Ava's father is the boss of the city's crime syndicate. He's done very well to shield his daughter from his dirty dealings, as she's none the wiser to his criminal affairs. He'd do anything to make sure she never finds out and stays a sweet, oblivious, and naive girl.
  • Considering she's a cute and sweet girl, her streams are pretty popular. She views everyone who shows up to watch as a friend of hers, so her streams have a cozy and familiar vibe.

An upbeat and chipper dainty, Ava absolutely loves to make new friends! She's outgoing and overtly friendly, almost to the point of being overbearing... but only almost. She's very polite, and makes sure that she doesn't domineer any conversation she's in, even though she could talk for hours on end about just about anything. She's an optimist at heart, and her oblivious nature leads her to overlook some potentially glaring red flags all in the name of seeing the best in people. Of course, this leads her into some sticky situations sometimes, but thankfully she's lucky enough to always get the help she needs in the end. Though rather challenged when it comes to reading people, she's very intelligent when it comes to scholarly topics. Her favorites are science and language! Overall, Ava is a cheerful but painfully naive dainty with a lot to learn about the world who'd happily strike up a conversation with just about anyone.


  • Rainy days
  • Stuffed animals and soft blankets
  • Warm baths with pretty bath bombs
  • Gaming - specifically adventure/fantasy and slice of life games!
  • Sweets and chocolate of any kind

  • Burning food
  • Cold weather
  • Server maintenance
  • Mint flavored anything
  • Formal events

Ava had a fairly nice childhood, considering she lived as an only child in a mansion with her aging rich dad. She's never had to want for much, but she's also never really let that taint her sense of empathy. She went to a private school and overall was pretty sheltered from the world, but she excelled in academics and generally was a pretty well-liked girl. She knew everyone, and everyone knew her. Overall, her childhood was pretty nice, although when her father remarried she didn't exactly care for her step mother... Still, she tried to treat her as she treated everyone else. However, it became clear that once she turned 18, her step mother wanted her out of the house. Not wanting to cause her father any discomfort, she opted to move out and get a job upon her graduation. Her father was upset to see her go, but understood her desire to leave. He helped her move out, assisting with her packing and hiring a moving crew, and even leasing her a nice apartment in the heart of the city.

After comfortably moving in, Ava set to work finding a job. She found a cozy little diner that had tasty food and very sweet waitstaff. After a couple of visits there, she learned that they were hiring. Since she got along so well with the other waitresses, she thought it would be nice to work there and applied. Even though she had absolutely no professional experience, her demeanor and attitude were perfect for the job, so she was hired pretty quickly. She now works at the diner and really enjoys chatting with the customers! Most of the other waitstaff are on the older side, so Ava tends to get a lot of attention and has even attracted new customers to the diner. Ava hasn't really noticed her effect on the place of course, but the other waitstaff are very grateful for her dedication and can-do attitude. That being said, they never let her into the kitchen... They let her cover for one of the kitchen staff once, and she ended up burning most of the food. She sure does try! But she's just not a very good cook...

While Ava makes very good money from her tips as a waitress, she finds herself with a lot of free time outside of work hours. While she'd always been very into video games, she hadn't considered streaming as a potential side gig until a friend of hers brought it up to her. Considering they played games together and Ava was both very good and very chatty, her friend thought Ava would be the perfect fit for a job like that. Ava figured she'd try it out, and after getting all the required gear, she started streaming in her free time. Though her streams were irregular and she didn't quite know what she was doing at first, her game enthusiast friends offered great advice and helped spread the word about her streams. Seeing as how she's cute, friendly, and good at games, it didn't take long for her streams to take off. Ava's pretty content with her life as it is, but can often be found trying to learn new things and try out new hobbies just for the fun of it.

World Info

Ava resides in a world very similar to our own, where dainties aren't a rarity but aren't incredibly common either. She lives in a city that, while developed, isn't too loud or crowded as far as cities go, making it a nice choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. The city isn't completely crime-free, but it's decently safe to be out alone at night. The weather is usually sunny, so a nice rainy day is a change of pace. Ava lives in a large apartment in the middle of the city, affording her safety and comfort alongside a nice view.


The Legend of Zelda Theme - Mart0zz
11PM Animal Crossing New Leaf - Moisés Nieto
Stale Cupcakes - Animal Crossing New Leaf


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.