
4 years, 6 months ago



"Howdy my yeehonk pal!"."

Always positive and craving every food in existance, Tamara is my main fursona. She was the first furry character and fursona I created. She's essentially large parts of myself, but with large characteristics removed so she isn't an exact clone of me (I have anohter fursona who is much more like me), but rather an ideal verson of me without certain characteristics.

The creation of Tamara was what first got me into the furry fandom. I knew what it was and secretly hoped someone would mistaken me as a furry when I wore a shirt with an anthropomorphic wolf on it, but I never really found any reason to get into it. I was inspired to create Tamara after a friend of mine had our friend group take a quiz that would tell you what species your fursona should be. Surprisingly, I was the only one out of the seven of us who got a wolf as a result. The friend who introduced us to the quiz is an artist like myself and she wanted us to both draw our fursonas based off of what the quiz told us. As you can tell from my other characters' designs, I was playing it quite safe with Tamara's design, but I liked the result.


Tamara is a light brown wolf with a cream belly and spots on her muzzle and by her eyes. The inside of her thighs, ears, and tail as well as the tops of her shoulders are also cream. She has three purple stripes on her back that lead into a stripe running down her tail with five additional stripes stemming from the main one. She had long, brown hair that ombrés into a dark purple halfway through. She has a large, fluffy tail and paws with cream pads. Her eyes are a light yellow colour. She has two scars on her left knee from a bad fall when she was eleven.

Biromantic Asexual
Crop Tops and Shorts
Nature Journalist

Tamara was born in a small city in Saskatchewan, Canada. She has two brothers, one brother six years older and the other two years younger. As a young child, Tamara spent a lot of time creating entertainment for herself. She was an energetic child who refused to sit still, constantly running and jumping. Because of this, she was signed up for a few different sports at the age of five before she discovered she loved swimming. When she turned seven, she was put in a speed swimming club. Although she was far from the best, she loved the activity. Tamara was outgoing as a child, but became more introverted around the age of ten. This didn't bother her though, as she found a group of new friends who stayed with her for the long haul. She began to write in her free time, mostly stories based on her friends and the role-playing games they made up. It was also around this time when she started mandatory band classes and learned to play the clarinet, an instrument she'd continue playing in band classes and eventually joining her university's concert band.

By the time Tamara and her friends began high school, she had become well established as someone who didn't conform to any cliques, so the new environment was a place Tamara highly anticipated attending so she could get away from the people who made her feel like a weirdo for not conforming to their ways. She gained a few friends who also felt like they didn't quite fit into any of the established cliques and her friend group became like a second family. She had a five-month relationship that started at the end of her grade nine year with a hyena she became close friends with after the breakup. A year after the breakup, Tamara began to question her sexuality, as she found she didn't seem to like anyone for a long time while her friends got in and out of relationships a few times already. For a short period, Tamara began to wonder if she was biromantic, but would not fully realize her sexuality until many years later. At the beginning of her grade twelve year, Tamara discovered what demiromance was and found herself extremely identifying with the label. She graduated later that year with an average mark almost near the 90%s and an acceptance letter to a university not far away from her hometown.

Tamara moved into a dormitory for her first year as a university student enroled in the English program, hoping to take several creative writing courses as well. Although the university was only a few hours away from her hometown and a few of her former classmates also attended there, Tamara found herself without any friends for a long time, her closest friends being back in her hometown. However, Tamara was not too bothered with this, as she was able to keep a close connection with her friends online and she didn't feel the need to have people physically around her all the time as she is an introvert. After a few weeks of having only acquaintances in her classes, she made a friend with a black panther in her Psychology 100 class named Cornelius. She began to make new friends again because of Cornelius's ambiverted nature


Cornelius: Best Friend

Time known each other: 4 Years

Having met in their first year of university, Cornelius and Tamara have been each other's closest friends, eventually crossing over into best friends, for many years. While many people assume they are a couple in some regard, their relationship is much closer to that of siblings. After graduation, the two stayed in the same city and continue to see each other regularly for late-night TV binging or caffine-fueled projects that never get done.

Sheol: Older Brother

Time known each other: Whole Life

Sheol is Tamara's older brother by six years. He was extremely happy to have a younger sister when Tamara was a newborn, but lost interest in her once she began to walk and talk. Their relationship was competative as children, but Sheol often won because he was older. They didn't get along because Tamara took all his joking insults seriously as she didn't understand jokes at the time. Luckily, they became closer when Tamara became a teenager as they occasionally play board games together with Sheol's friends.

Ty: Younger Brother

Time known each other: Whole Life

Ty is Tamara's younger brother by two years. She and Ty have a much closer relationship than they have to Sheol as they are closer in age. Tamara enjoyed having someone who was basically forced to be her friend all the time. Tamara isn't friends with many of Ty's friends, but Ty is friends with almost all of Tamara's friends and considers him part of their group. Ty loves to bother Tamara with puns and complaining about English, as he doesn't like the subject.

Kip: Close Friend and Ex

Time known each other: 8 Years

Kip and Tamara met in grade nine through the many classes they had together in second semester. They found common ground in the video games and entertainment they enjoyed. They began dating at the end of grade nine after Kip asked Tamara out at a fair they attended with friends. Their relationship was like most high school relationships as they both understood that they were not going to last forever, but wanted to enjoy their mutual feelings while they could. They went through a mutual breakup five months into the relationship as they had grown to realize they were much different than they first believed. It wasn't very long before they became friends and made jokes about their relationship.

  • Temperate, breezy nights
  • Sitting on rooftops at night
  • Stargazing
  • Reading and writing
  • Adventure and platform games
  • Native plant life of her province
  • Candy and candy gore
  • Tuna
  • Bad Grammar and Spelling
  • Clichés
  • Emojis
  • Liquorice
  • Tamara was the name of one of my favourite high school teachers, so I named my sona after her.
  • Tamara's original design didn't have a cream belly or the purple stripes on her back.
  • The existance of Tamara became one of the major reasons why I wanted to improve on how I draw wolves.
  • Tamara's relationships accurately reflect important relationships in my life.
  • Typically when testing out a new drawing software, I draw Tamara first.

Tamara's Wardrobe

Color Palette

Style Notes

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Design Notes

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