Nishimiya Ren



4 years, 5 months ago



"You have to leave the table when respect is no longer served"


He who has been through hell and witnessed people's cruelty, chooses to close his heart and remain unbiased towards others. 

Behind the calm and composed exterior, he is an observant person who has an excellent attention to small details. He comes across as a gentle and easygoing person, but is actually good at verbal disputes. His polite demeanor and ability to read people are his strong points when negotiating with others. However, due to his past experience of being horribly bullied and looked down upon, he strains himself to be better while struggling with his trust issues. 

Indoor person, heavy smoker, workaholic. Always skipping meals and pulling an all-nighter whenever he has deadlines. Loves colorful aesthetics.


 nishimiya kai twin brother

The twins are inseparable. You cannot get close to one of them without being frowned upon by the other.


 kitazawa miguel love interest/team leader

What they have in common made them attracted to each other, but also added to the wall separating them. Ren thinks he is a respected mentor though. 


 fujikawa kasumi friend

At first Ren thought she was not trustworthy, but if Kai could get along with her then it should be fine.

 kanji  西宮蓮
 mc name Aquacatto
 gender Male
 date of birth March 12th
 age 22
 height 175cm
 blood type A
 occupation Illustrator | Hypnosis Mic user
 affiliationMidnight Sirens | Harajuku Division







 hair colorMint green
 eye colorJade green
 fashion style Deco Kei

  • Half-blind on his left eye so he often lets his hair bang down to cover the injured eye
  • On formal occasions, he uses a prothesis eye to cover for the injured one
  • Wears glasses with red frames, has long eyelashes
  • Hair is slightly wavy and loosely tied up with one braid using red scrunchies
  • When using Hypnosis Mic in a rap battle, the tips of his hair change into a cherry red tint
  • Has 2 moles on his right cheek
  • Uses a bunch of colorful hairclips and accessories on casual occasions


Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header one

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

fragments of the past

As a child, Ren was easy to be bullied by almost anyone at school since he was extremely shy and didn't have the courage to speak up for himself.

before the battle

During the time Ren was in high school, he was horribly bullied to a near-death situation when the bullies shoved him down the stairs, making him hospitalized for a month. He then met Iruma Juuto - who is the member of Mad Trigger Crew and also his mother's business partner. When Juuto heard of Ren's story, he encouraged the boy to stand up for himself and suggested that he learn to use a Hypnosis microphone in order to be more confident. It later turned out that Ren's rap skills were exceptionally good that Juuto eventually gave him the mic as a gift. 

In the mean time, Kai was enraged to hear that his brother was bullied and hospitalized, and decided to pick a fight with the bullies to avenge his brother's sufferings. During the fight, his throat was slit by someone from the bullying team, so he was taken to hospital right after Ren was discharged.  

header one

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

header two

Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.