Jackson Fayette



4 years, 5 months ago


Name: Jackson Fayette

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Nationality: French

Looks: Write skin, light brown hair, orange eyes, small eyes and a nose.

Personality: Vary brave and clever. But doesn't see too far into the future, and never takes care of himself. But cares vary deeply for he's teammates. Won't tell anyone but he loves he's brother more then anyone in the hole world.

Likes: reading, warm clothes, he's brother, music with out singing,

Dislikes: yelling, cold days, Germans, blood.

Random facts: Him and he's brother lived in a small lonely part of France. He never left he's small town till he was 13, when he's brother Eliott joined a vampire slave group, and he followed him, though Eliott didn't like that. At first he didn't like he's teammates, but soon he loved them more then he's real family.