Oliver Grim



4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Oliver Grim


Archlich (formerly human)




Male (He/Him)





Place of Birth

Grimsdalr, Grandfather Isles


Sage- Astronomer

D&D Class

School of Lore Mastery (UA) Wizard (level 20)


True Neutral


Str (14) Dex (17) Con (14) Int (20) Wis (19) Cha (18)

There's a dichotomy of wizards being either "wise old man" or "flashy twink" and Oliver falls right in the middle.

Oliver was born on a ship taking his single mother and two siblings from Grimsdalr to Brivorne. Their father disappeared to an unknown fate, and he never knew him, though his mother told him he was taken by magic-user hunters before she fled the country. These hunters, known as the Praxus Inquisitors, would usher in an era where it became dangerous to use magic that wasn't bestowed from a god. Wizards, warlocks, even bards were unsafe. Oliver's father had been a wizard, though they never knew if he fled to escape the Inquisitors, or if they had taken him away.
In Brivorne, Oliver grew up in a large house with a modest lifestyle with his older brothers Alaric and Leif. Alaric and Oliver were both drawn to magic, though Alaric's magic came naturally to him in a devastating way. Alaric, a wild magic sorcerer, fell into the "wrong" category of magic user. At the time, there was no god who was associated with wild magic, and as such, Alaric was forced to hide his incredibly unpredictable power for his andhis family's safety. Though the Inquisitors would linger for decades, they were at their strongest in Oliver's youth.
While exploring the old ruins of a town, Oliver found an old library and pored over the texts he found there. That experience awakened a hunger for more knowledge. Within that library, he also found a spellbook. He was immediately driven to learn all he could about becoming a wizard. Not long after, he was captured by Inquisitors and nearly sacrificed on an altar to the magic-eating god they served. He discovered that they weren't just hunters, but also necromancers who had perfected the technique of draining the magic from an individual as well as their life force. The horrific sight made him terrified of necromancy. He escaped with the help of Alaric, but for many years he feared they would find him and drain him of his life and magic. Alaric had no such fears, instead claiming that they both had a duty to strengthen their magical power. Oliver did it through studying magic overall, while Alaric disappeared to seek the source of wild magic.

When the Inquisitors were no longer an active threat, he began working in a Brivornian observatory when he was barely a young man. He excelled at the study of astronomy and sought to connect his study of the stars with his study of magic. He focused on his studies to the point where he barely noticed the war between high elves and wood elves in Brivorne. It wasn't until he was attending an academic convention that he met a high elven woman by the name of Syrel, who was not only a spy on behalf of the rebel wood elves, but also a draconic sorcerer. Syrel convinced him to lend his arcane knowledge to helping the wood elves' cause. Through their work, they fell in love, got married, and had three children: Ivellios, Aeson, and Clara. He raised them to respect magic, but he also told them of the great danger of necromancy and the horrors is brought to the world via the Inquisitors.
His studies led him to theorize that great forces, such as the ocean, or, indeed, the moon, could be used as arcane foci, amplifying the magic of any individual or group who managed to connect with the force on an intensely deep level. He presented this theory at a major academic convention, and was promptly discredited for such a radical idea. Though he continued his studies, he did so from his home, now a reclusive astronomer. 

After years of study, Oliver and Alaric reunited at Alaric's request. They tracked down a surge of magic, which turned out to be a portal that lead to the Dreamscape, a newly discovered realm of the god of dreams and tricks. After a brief exchange and argument, Alaric walked through, but Oliver stayed behind. He returned to his studies, though the argument between him and Alaric lingered in his mind. He worried his brother had been trapped by the god, or warped into a nightmarish abomination. He would not hear from his brother until he was much older. 

After a few decades, he encountered Alaric, now an otherworldly patron to a rising number of Warlocks, in a dream. Determined to find him and convince him to leave the Dreamscape before it twisted him, Oliver devoted himself to studying portals like the one they found all those years ago. However, age had caught up with him, along with all the exhaustion, pain, and sickness he had always put off in favor of his academic pursuits. Desperate, he performed a dangerous ritual, seperating his soul from his body and shattering it into many fragments that he held within moonlit amulets. He had become a crystal archlich. He gave an amulet to each of his children and his wife- bestowing immortality onto them so long as they kept the amulets close. He picked up the research his brother left behind in the mortal realm, hoping to find answers among all the pages and journals of increasingly worrying conclusions. 

- We haven't even reached the campaign he's involved in I s2g -

Spellbook: A tome filled with charts of the night sky, the cover spotted with symbols of the southern sky, with the moon in the center. The moon glows slightly at night, and the words and runes also glow in the moonlight. 

Resistant to Cold, Lightning, and Necrotic damage
Immune to Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
Immune to being Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned

Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Religion

Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: Alchemist’s Supplies
Languages: Arcane Runic, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish

Senses: Truesight 120ft
Passive Perception: 25
Passive Insight: 20