


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Damast Grimaldi


Dama, Softie




10. February




Bodyguard and assistant


Damast Grimaldi is the older brother of William Grimaldi and the current heir of the Grimaldi Family. A good fighter and reliable person, as well as the right hand man of Guinevere Brahe.

He is considered an enemy to the crown.


Damast is a slightly taller man with grey skin, visible fangs (when his mouth is open) and dark, claw-like nails, which are usually hidden under a pair of gloves. Damast's face, as well as a good portion of his arms and body are littered with freckles. His hair is white, slightly wavy and falls past his shoulders, with a good portion of it bound back in a topknot. There is a slight undertone of rose color in his hair. He has dark eyes, which turn slanted, the more he lets his vampiric nature take over.

He wears a dark, tunic-like outfit on his upper body, which is only broken up by the diagonal button strip in brown, with white accents. The collar of his tunic, standing up, also sports the same color scheme. Wrapped around his waist ist a belt like cloth, which is held in place by white clasps. A cross on a silver chain dangles down from it. Under this he wears a simple with shirt with a bit of lacing at the hem. His look is finished by a pair of thick black pants which bunch up at the knees, thanks to his boots and another button strip.

When he lets his vampiric nature take over, his eyes turn to slits and his fangs become freely visible. If he intends to drink from someone and keep them still at the same time, his jaw will unhinge, exposing that all of his teeth have become needle sharp. His nails have ripped trough the gloves, becoming sharper and longer as well.


Damast is usually regarded as a kind and calm fellow, who often seems to think of others before himself. He is responsible and often the one who calms down William's more sudden outbursts of ideas and deeds.

He is fiercely loyal and will protect those he cares about, no matter the cost. As Gwendolyn's right hand man, he wants to see her succeed in her mission and would drop or kill even his friends, if they stood in her way.

Unusual for vampires, he retains a lot of soft emotions towards beings that are not of his own race. He cares for humans just as much as he does for animals and was one of the driving factors in convincing the Brahes to only consume blood, when it is given to them voluntarily. All in all, he can and will fight (and does so with surprising ease) but he is a lot calmer than other vampires and will give a fair warning and try to extract himself from the situation before it escalates.


Damast grew up in Brahe castle, as the heir to the Grimaldi family, alongside his parents, his younger brother William and the Brahe family themselves. As expected of the Grimaldi family, he was introduced to Gwendolyn when he was still young, seeing as his family held the duty of protecting the Brahes.

Growing up in a castle never left him wanting anything and he is used to servants as well as food, that has been cooked with vampires in mind. He is symphatetic to the struggles of less fortunate people, but it isn't always easy for him to grasp them full.

Abilities and Powers

  • Enhanced Strength: Undergoing training from a young age, Damast is proficient in battling against foes of any kind. Thanks to a status as a vampire, his physical strength and speed are greatly boosted, making him outclass almost all (untrained) humans by default. As it is a sign of pride of the Grimaldis, he never had weapons training and thus relies on a brawling sort of fighting style. He is basically overwhelming or subdueing his opponents with brute strength.
  • Enhanced Regeneration: Damast, as is the norm for vampires, possesses a tremendous regeneration ability. It does not allow him to regrow limbs, but it can bring him back from the brink of death, if his body has enough black blood to heal him. If this isn't the case, he might go into a feral state, trying to aquire the needed blood.


  • Damast, in german, holds the dual meaning of being a type of steel as well as a type of cloth. These reflects the character Damast, as he is unyielding in his ideals but soft and caring towards those he developed a bond with.
  • He had many pets in his long life, but his current one is an owl named Lovelace, who he raised from an egg