


4 years, 6 months ago


The Charmer

Flirtatious . Explorative . Naïve . Mischievous

Name Davin
Called Little Dear, Davi, Dav
Gender Male
Age 80
DoB June 5
Sign Gemini
Height 6'1"
Build Gangly but athletic
Race Deer Halfling
Role Charming Asshole
MBTI ENFJ | The Protagonist


  • Exploring
  • Running
  • Flirting
  • Medicinal botany


  • Upsetting Maeve
  • Confinement
  • Being ignored
  • Losing


Davin was born in the middle of the woods, just at the foot of the Old Weir Bridge. His mother, Mallaidh, was a human maid working at the Neverwood Estate who got caught up in romantic relations with Eavan, a Faery from the Autumn Court. Mallaidh soon found she was pregnant and was kicked out of the house into the rain. Mallaidh ran into the Neverwood to bear her child, unknowingly finding herself in the middle of an uprising started by Maeve on behalf of Carman. Maeve killed off Philomena, and soon after appeared to Mallaidh glamoured to look like the Spring Queen. But, instead of helping Mallaidh recover from childbirth, Maeve snatched the baby boy from her arms and turned the poor woman into a tree, known by all in the Neverwood as only The Keeper of the Wood, a protectress of those daring enough to cross the Old Weir Bridge.

Maeve spun a spell on this child, whom she affectionately named Davin, forcing him to transform from boy to deer with each sunrise to keep an eye on him. Davin grew up in the Court of Shadows knowing none of this, and has often been used as bait for each new O'Connor girl that visits the estate in an attempt to free Carman from her bonds. He is hopelessly devoted to his "mother" and would do anything for her. And although he is usually sweet and charming, there is a darker part of him lurking just underneath the surface that delights in the misery of others on his behalf.





Maeve stole him from his human mother shortly after he was born, and used magick to not only change his genetic makeup, but curse him to walk the earth as a deer for twelve hours of every day to keep an eye on him.




The latest of the O'Connor girls Davin has been tasked with luring into the Shadow Court, with the hopes of getting her to willingly give up her blood to free Carman.




Truly, the bane of his existence. Maeve is his mom. Who is this, some moody asshole of a step dad??? Feck that noise.