Arnold Diodato



4 years, 4 months ago


Arnold Michelangelo Diodato

Born: June 26th, 1946

Age: 36

Height: 5'10"

Orientation: ??????

Star-sign: Cancer

  • Youngest son of Richard and Anna.
  • Stealthiest man in the family, surpassing even Max.
    • Max did teach him most of what he knows though.
    • Knows every secret tunnel and room in the Manor.
    • Can sneak up on virtually anybody, and commonly does so.
      • Not always intentionally
  • Close friend to Hope, thinks of her like an older sister.
  • VERY close with Randall
    • Arnie trusted Randall with his greatest secret.
    • Literally became mute and stopped eating for a week after Randall died.
  • Also quite close to Alex
    • Only eight years apart, Arnie thinks of Alex more as a younger brother than a nephew.
    • Was considered by Alex his favorite uncle.
  • A mama’s boy, much like Randall.
  • Thinks Samuel doesn’t give a shit about him anymore.
    • Treasures the butterfly knife Samuel gave him.
    • Hopes to prove he’s worth his brother’s respect.
  • Stole a family symbol, the watch, and left the family to start a splinter.
    • In the process, screwed a few trade deals and turned some allies against the main family.
  • Very modest, especially for a Diodato
    • Sees his scars as signs of failure to avoid being hurt.
      • Except the ones on his hands, those are from learning to use the butterfly knife properly and are seen as a sign of triumph.
  • Arnie is the main antagonist in the main story line.
  • In the GQ era he's only 12, and personality wise is quite different. He's friendly, hot-headed, and occasionally very sweet. 
  • After his mother dies in 1962 he becomes cold, cynical, and quiet. Rarely speaking and speaking very little when he does.
  • Each of those scars on his left forearm represents someone dear to him that he's lost.