


4 years, 6 months ago


Name [Radish Sonen]
Age [18]
Height [5'9']
Build [slim]
Species [human]
Gender [agender he/they]
Orient. [asexual]
Taken? [no]
Creator [octopus_fryes]
Worth [$5.3k]

Radish doesn't care much about what they wear, but they prefer coats and long pants no matter the time of year. They don't like short clothes and doesn't wear feminine things.

  • skin color and hair color not changeable!
  • wears coats, hoodies, sweaters or something similar
  • cuts their own hair, that's why it looks so choppy and awful

Radish has few emotions. They don't like many people and don't make very close relations. They can be vengeful, greedy and vain at times, but doesn't feel things like love, compassion, empathy or remorse. They likely have ASPD, but is not diagnosed.


Radish was born on his parents' small farm in the country and lived a sheltered life. They always felt as if something was off with them, and other people saw something off as well. Radish had few friends and did very little socialization. Later in their life, Radish became obsessed with late-night true crime shows and deep crminal studies. Radish never recieved any therapy for their intoverted nature and vengeful compulsions, but they managed to keep it somewhat under wraps until they were 18.

Radish fell into bad company after they got out on their own and fell into a ring of hitmen. Radish had no problem with this as long as they weren't bored and able to make money. To make a quick profit and prove their ability to kill, Radish shot their ex-girlfriend and sold her severed hands. They went on to kill their parents, strangers, aquaintences and more. Radish quickly ammased a small fortune from their business as an assasin and was able to afford a small apartment.

Since then, Radish has made killing a lifestyle and doesn't intend to stop until they get bored.


  • Loves retro video games. They have and absolute fetish for cabinet arcade machines.
  • Compulsively bite stheir nails.
  • Discovered they were agender when they were 15.
  • Their name is actually Radish, its not a nickname.

  • Cabinet arcade machines
  • pistols with silencers
  • switchblades
  • Sweeny Todd
  • 70's rock bands

  • people
  • getting haircuts
  • short clothes
  • coffee
  • rain