Yoriie (01 | Blooming Feathers)




Blooming Feathers

Blooming Feathers
Age Difference 3 years
Height Difference ~ 9 inches
Nicknames Kanae, Kana
Yoriie-san, Yori
Current Status
Status Engaged
Status Terminated (After Kanae's Death)
Children N/A

Yori? Yori come on! You'd make a wonderful Pillar! Oyakata-sama has been hoping you'd accept it. I'm cheering for you, you deserve it!


Demon Reeds (ブルーミングフェザー) is the pairing between Yoriie Sekozawa and Kanae Kocho.


Yoriie was already a slayer when the Kocho sisters joined the Demon Slayer Corps. He had done a few missions with Kanae before they actually started talking and getting to know each other. The first few times were just greetings and well wishes, until Kanae asked Yoriie about himself. They exchanged courtesies and Kanae was quick to pick up on Yoriie being conscious of his conduct around his underclassman. By chance, they mostly go on the same missions and this is how they initially bonded. Seeing each other so frequently gave them no choice but to actually talk outside of working together. Eventually, Kanae and Yoriie both dropped the upperclassman-underclassman relationship into an actual friendship.

Outside of missions, Kanae and Yoriie often got into banter, as well as Kanae and Yoriie's eagle, Washi. Kanae enjoyed having someone who could take her humor and her teasing and throw it back at her. Yoriie never opened up too much to Kanae, but he was gradually warming up to her and even joked with her that they'd meet again on the next mission. Kanae had not opened up much to Yoriie either, but he was becoming someone she looked up to, aside from being a friend. She always liked to comment on his hard work, but started cracking down on him by joking about his lone wolf tendencies. She made sure to let Yoriie know that he was displaying dangerous habits and behaviors, and that these were not good for him. Initially, he deflected with his sass that she was interested in him, hence the concern. However; her gestures of kindness and genuine concern was touching for him, and he did make sure to let her know her efforts were not in vain. After all, he did see her as a friend; it would be unfair to not listen, especially if she made sense.

Kanae's influence on Yoriie was significant, as he found himself opening up to others, then sharing to Kanae his history. She shared hers in return, since it was unfair to keep her history to herself when he opened his heart to her. This significantly deepened their relationship, and Yoriie found himself developing feelings for her. Soon after this. Kanae's younger sister Shinobu questioned Yoriie's closeness to her. She was just being a protective younger sister, wary of Kanae's closeness to a man she wasn't familiar with. Kanae had no reservations about inroducing Yoriie to Shinobu, and even hoped that they would get along. After Shinobu, Kanae introduced Yoriie to her younger adoptive sister, Kanao Tsuyuri. He was not too awakward with Shinobu and Kanao, and he mostly just had to keep Shinobu from being too hotheaded. Eventually, he also started adapting Kanae's teasing in interacting with Shinobu. Kanae found this endearing, and was incredibly happy that Yoriie making an effort to have a good relationship with her sisters. When Yoriie finally earned Shinobu's trust, he took this as the chance to genuinely court Kanae. However; this was no surprise to Kanae, as Yoriie's feelings were no secret to her thanks to Washi. She was willing to give Yoriie a chance, and it made her feel happy that she could have this kind of experience despite being a Slayer. They were an item for about a year and a half.

Yoriie expressed to Kanae that he wants to retire from the Demon Slayers one day, and when that day comes, he hopes she'd be there with him. Kanae was quick to catch on that Yoriie wanted to marry her. She accepted, on the condition that Yoriie would have to wait, to which he agreed to. They still had a long way to go as Slayers. Shortly after the engagement, Kanae was inaugurated as the Flower Pillar. Not long after that, it was brought to Yoriie's attention that he was a Pillar candidate. In excitement, Kanae highly encouraged Yoriie to take up the mantle, reminding him constantly, without fail, that he had earned it.

They were engaged for a year before before Kanae's untimely demise at the hands of Upper Moon 2 Douma. The grief Yoriie felt over Kanae was the catalyst for his colder, meaner attitude. Though Yoriie didn't consciously distance himself, and develop his remarkable sarcasm; it was his defense and coping mechanism in handling his grief and repressed pain.


It's a little embarrassing to ask for your hand in front of your sister! I know how she'd react, and I don't think I'd be quick enough to quip back since she's your sister? Kanae, have mercy on me!!!


Considering both their personalities, Yoriie and Kanae had a fun, casual relationship. Kanae was actually happy that this relationship happened, as this gave them both a sense of normalcy despite the fact that they kill demons for a living. Kanae was very open in the relationship, teasing Yoriie about miniscule things, as well as lightly addressing his heavier issues as to not shock him. Yoriie on the other hand didn't trust Kanae's easygoing personality at first, and poked at it with his own teasing. Eventually, lighthearted teasing became a staple for the both of them. [ TBA ]

With both of them being rather family-oriented people, it was easy for them to get to know each other's families. While Kanae never personally met Yoriie's father and sister, they exchanged letters. Yoriie was pretty much an older brother figure to Shinobu and Kanao, and somehow sort of ended up projecting his twin sister Yuri onto them, allowing him to become emotionally attached to them, which made Kanae very happy. They also both were rather good in taking care of children, and at one point spoke about it during their engagement. Neither had any reservations towards having children, with the exception that they were high in the ranks of the Demon Slayers, Kanae was a Pillar, and Yoriie was likely to become one himself. Circumstances and personal duties prevented them from settling down, but it wasn't anything they grieved about, as the welfare of the people mattered more than their relationship.

As emotional transparency is important in relationships, even moreso with these two. Due to Kanae's easygoing personality, sometimes it was difficult for Yoriie to discern if she was really being truthful. Her perception of this allowed to reassure Yoriie that she was indeed, just easygoing and had no reason to lie or hide from him. She too was strict about Yoriie having too many emotional barriers and playing everything off with sarcasm and sass, telling him that such habits won't be good for him and will definitely damage his emotional and social welfare. Both of them had no problem when telling the other their own grievances and made sure that they both didn't have too much on their minds, knowing full well how that could affect their performance in battle. They never had huge issues with each other, and if anything came up, it was mostly miniscule and trivial in nature.

Neither are necessarily protective of the other. Both highly acknowledge each others skill and capability to handle even the most dangerous situations. The most they give is well wishes and that the other should always exercise caution, to take care, and most of all, to come back. When it came to both of them becoming powerful in their own right, Yoriie stopped feeling the need to tell Kanae to take care, because a part of him knew that she was stronger than him, and that she would always come back. Kanae did not feel the same, and still continued to tell Yoriie to take care and to come back, because one would never know if the other would come back.

TBA you know this is not done


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  • Yoriie has very much avoided any sexual contact with Kanae because he knows she's a Pillar, they were only engaged, and Shinobu would absolutely kill him.
  • Yoriie genuinely considered retiring after marrying Kanae, but as fate would have it, she was killed.
  • Kanae kept a feather charm Yoriie had given her. She was wearing it during her burial.
  • One of Kanae's tests on whether or not she will accept Yoriie's proposal is if Yoriie will be able to get along with her adoptive sister, Kanao Tsuyuri, and be able to take care of her. He passed with flying colors.
  • Kanae had always told Yoriie that it would make her very happy to have Yoriie as a Pillar by her side. She never stopped telling him how much he deserved it.
  • Attached to Yoriie's sword is a butterfly charm that looks exactly like Kanae's hair ornament. She had given it to him in return for his feather charm. This charm was later passed down to Kanao from Yoriie after killing Douma.
  • In the Kimetsu Acaemy AU (THANK YOU GOTOGE), Yoriie and Kanae are happily married :') This ship??? Makes me cry real tears
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Profile by Erandia
Edted by Glasses-Dog