


4 years, 6 months ago


I love her! Designing her was an handful but I’m so glad I ended up really satisfied by the result. I wish i could say her existence doesn’t revolve around being Fanfare’s interest but it really does gdbdggd after making Fanfare as my first main fav boy in a new world adding a cast and relationships in there was the next logical step for flavor lol, it gets lonely and tiring carrying a whole world on ur back Fanfare needs a break. Orchid is the angry warrior princess to his sly obnoxious coward 

In the dragon world (this tab, this design), she starts out as a new member of the clan. Fanfare ran into her while he was out and about exploring and she saved his hass from the angry monsters flying after her. She was prob exiled or smth. Ooh maybe a past clan warrior? Anyway she’s angsty and angry and a stubborn loner. She gets accepted into the clan, perhaps expected only to be a temporary guest at first. Fanfare took a liking to her as soon as they met so he hangs around her and tries to get her to integrate more smoothly.  

The grey part of her face and belly, as well as the inner and outer wings, is rough skin, and the rest is covered in long or short feathers. Her skin is flawed let her live