


4 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:

Nico (nick-o), but he isnt a fan


male (he/him)


late twenties


sin cat


Ninth Life

Creation Date:

December 7th 2019


Nicodemus is a shitty person. He lords over a micro-community of degenerate hacker-types, manipulating and conditioning them to play into his narcissism while they all waste their time making the average person's life harder for their own gain. He is contacted privately by the elusive Atonement Bureau, convicting him of excessive envy and informing him he is to join their ranks if he hopes to have any chance of redemption. 

Nicodemus may be an asshole but he isn't a fool, and he begrudges the Bureau a visit - though he fully plans to game the system until they have him skip the most important step: reincarnation. The whole point of Bureau work is to start over with a fresh slate, and while this was indeed the part Nico planned to fudge, he's deeply unsettled by the implications this carries and the look on the agent's face. It's impossible to know if you're on your ninth life; and for all Nico cares it's always been an old wives' tale anyway. Right? right...?

The wind blown out of his sails, Nicodemus lets the Bureau do what it wants, and he is forcibly moved to a distant city under threat to behave or his redemption will be terminated. All of his contacts - friends, family, and gaslighting victims alike - are informed that he has passed to his next incarnation, and they respectfully distance themselves. He now finds himself alone, halfway across the country, doing thankless work fighting shadowbeasts, and he's gotta suck it up and try to be a better person.

Nicodemus is not a particularly pleasant man, and is selfish, argumentative, and disagreeable. He is disillusioned and a little too serious for his own good, fueled by a distaste for this work since he feels it's pointless pandering.

Social Connections

 Vinny - despised work partner to best (and only) friend in the world

World Context

Sin cat lore coming soon!

> tall, just enough to be imposing

> WIP trivia <3

> brass diamond affords him magic abilities and/or better control over magic? hmmm

♪♪ associated music ♪♪

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Primary Notes
> eye stripes have a tiny streak of red in them
> claws can be drawn as pointy fingers or claws, u pick
> ** pawfeets and no human ears

> diamond is an accessory that lets him channel magic! it floats above his forehead and is not attached

Other Things
> medium tall and fairly muscular
> could fly if he learned how, but most sin cats assume they can't and don't try just to be safe