Pandora's Comments

Hello!! I got some Christmas money and have enough now, is she still available? <333 ๐Ÿ’˜

Hi! ^^

Yes she is!ย  I'll PM you! <3

Did the other commenter end up buying her? <3 ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ

They didn't actually! Are you interested in her? ^^

Yes ^^ I am! but I'll need a while to save up, so I'll get back to you! :D

Okay! Let me know if you need a payment plan or something! Tysm!

Hello! Could I perhaps purchase this lovely gal for the asking price of $75? If not that's fine!

Yes, of course! ย Please PM me with your paypal address!

Thank you so much! ^^