Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


This user's characters, art, stories, and other personal creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with the appropriate legal action.

Valorous morrow.  Understand yond not all of my own character's art morally ethic or righteous.  Some art horrible beings yond has't done varying degrees of horrendous behavior.  I doth not condone what those have doth, so h're is mine own gen'ral warning.  Furthermore, these characters shall have their owneth warning on their profiles!

I has't a knack for researching mental illnesses, cults, religions, and other questionable themes. Because of this a few of mine own characters has't these themes! i'll maketh sure if 't be true there is any subject matter of triggering criteria is met in a character to have 't list'd on their owneth character! if 't be true any of these themes may potentially trigger thee, prithee be sure to readeth character warnings carefully.

Note before reading blacklists: Blacklists can be discussed if I simply just misunderstood intentions, miss communication, etc. Until then the users will stay blacklisted.


Rainyweather: Stealing a friend's design and another separate design [proof can be dmed if need be] + other  reasons. 

Please Do Not

  • Steal, copy, ai generate, or trace my characters.
  • Trace, Copy, Steal, or Ai-Generate my art, or the art of my characters.
  • Be offended/upset if I decline offers on characters.

Content Warnings

  • Abuse.
  • Violence / gore / Drugs.
  • Declining mental state / Suicidal thoughts.
  • Sexual themes.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

This character contains

•Religion (Christianity specifically)

•Religious trauma 


•Demonic entities (He's a demon)

•Angelic entities (He was once an angel)


•Gore (Ranges from mild to intense)

•Cultism (He owns and runs a cult)

•Manipulation (He manipulates others)

Discretion is advised, if any of these topics trigger you or cause you discomfort then I would suggest not looking deeper into his page.

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