Hikiko Akami "MiMo"


Basic Info


MiMo ["Multiple Input, Multiple Output"] (Designation name used in Boneyard reality) || Cor (Codename used in Boneyard reality for official duties)

Real Name

Hikiko Akami (Used in the Otos-chool reality), Hiki can be used as a nickname, but is often referred to by his last name Akami

Name Meaning/Inspiration

MiMo was inspired by his ability to take information in and spit information back out pretty much like a photographic memory (but usually only works with things he feels are important, so it is selective; this can also include sound or imagery which he can draw a roughly accurate sketch of things), Cor - A Latin word for "Heart" inspired from his heart symbols, Hikiko - Taken from the word "Hikikomori" which is used for withdrawn individuals from society in the Japanese culture and this name was inspired for this character because he tends to withdraw his true emotions from the world around him, Akami - When broken down from Kanji it means "A" as in "Love, affection", then "Ka" for "To play (music)" and finally "Mi" for "Heart, feelings, emotion, emotional state" and this name inspired by the heart symbols he carries in his design as well as the fact he loves to make music (As well as the importance of music in an oto-chro's life); He is happiest and pours out his true emotions when he makes beautiful music on his violin


Androgynous (Male pronouns)


Approximately a 1 year old model (Appears to be 14-16 years old, can be up to 18 years old depending on the RP)


Oto/Android/Robot/HRD (40K AU)


Red Heart [♡] | Red eyes | Advent: Scarlet Dawn | Flowering: Manettia

Personality Highlights

[Boneyard]: Ennui, Apathetic, Serious, Electronically Skilled, Ruthless, Cold, Cynical, Calculated, Detached, Depressed, Lonely || [Otos-chool]: Happy-go-Lucky, Laid-back, Playful, Friendly, Childish, Sarcastic Humor, Confident, Humble, "Nerdy"


Desperado (Acrobatic-type)


Arbiter (Police) | Soldier | Student [Violinist]


[Coming Soon]

Favourite Band

Myth & Roid


Synth Jazz (Similar to Lindsey Stirling but more similar to his theme song instead of techno)

Acquired Through




「なぜ空はいつも灰色です?」 ("Why is the sky always grey?")

In the Boneyard, there exist small pockets of life. They cluster around the refurbished shells of a once mighty civilization. The five settlements have a central terminal, and are at odds with each other over resources. The settlements are Bilskirnir (the Tower), Eljudnir (the Cave), Jarvider (the Forest), Odainsaker (the Deathless), and Thrymheim (the Power). Each city had a school, for all grade levels, and teach whatever the city specializes in. Oto come from the area Hildskjalf.

MiMo has lived his life for as long as he can remember in the Boneyard. He is used to the struggles of fighting turf wars among other clans that belong to the seperate regions. He has followed Nix's leadership as if it were a part of his programming as well as the second in command, Pyrrus. The mundane routine of gathering necessary items such as food, water, and ammunition has become second nature to this Oto. While he may never fully understand his purpose, he has been instructed that his role is to provide support to humans. In particular the clan itself and all their members. But what is the real objective of Oto in the Boneyard? To prove the existence of a soul.

In the Boneyard, humans seem just as the Oto do: devoid of true souls and almost identical in their robotic analysis of each and every day to day event or object. It's almost as if this is all a simulation. Here even Oto must partake in meals otherwise they will risk death from a malnutrition which causes the synthetic human skin to rot and deteriorate, thus causing pain towards the Oto via sensation stimulators. Music is considered the gateway to the soul in the Boneyard and it is every Oto's true goal to find their "song".

MiMo is unaware of his purpose, having it hidden from him, or possibly not even known among those of this world. Caught up in a love triangle, he is stuck between the decision of who he will choose: The hot-headed Pyrrus or the more laid-back Nix? The two have considered it their personal dispute to win over the Oto though they do not understand why they feel so strongly towards him.

When all is said and done, and it comes to nightfall the world shifts into a "dream" shared by all. The transition into a school enviornment. No one knows which "reality" is the real one...

MiMo's personality in the Boneyard is characterized as being very distant, cold, and aloof. He is very ruthless and would rather shoot first and ask questions later. Many would say that he is apathetic, but he is really just dissatisfied with the position he feels was forced upon him. His cynical perspective is drawn from how he sees both Nix and Pyrrus as selfish when they fight over his affections. He does his best not to become attached to anyone out of fear that they might get hurt or hurt him. This loneliness has driven him to a depressed state of mind. He has spent a lot of time developing his skills with electronics for his own personal hobbies to keep his mind occupied as well as to benefit his party and their missions. He has become calculated and meticulous in order to avoid mistakes...




ღ Hikiko is the fourth made Oto in the 40K AU.




Nix - (Yasu Yukimura in school reality) Chess Club Captain [Yasu thinks the school reality is real.]

Pyrrus (Takeshi Hikawa in school reality) - Soccer Club Captain [Pyrrus thinks the Boneyard reality is real.]

MiMo (Hikiko Akami in school reality) - Music Club Member [MiMo thinks that both realities exist and could be real.]

Fulgrim (Blitz in school reality) - No club because he is considered a plush animal in this reality, but only Hikiko knows he is magical and can talk to only him.

Hikiko enjoys root beer or cream soda, video games, anime, art and playing violin. He has joined the Music Club because of his hobby playing violin and as an attempt to avoid both Takeshi and Yasu's clubs as he tries to remain neutral between them. His favourite subject is Literature because he likes to get lost in the stories and there is not just one correct answer as it can be interpreted in different ways leading to multiple answers or possibilities.

Hikiko is most similar to Yasu in personality because he tends to be laid-back and friendly. He is quite the opposite of the hot-headed and brash, Takeshi, but the question is will opposites attract? Hikiko considers the school reality an escape from the Boneyard and so he tries to be more outgoing, playful and friendly in the school reality. He is still depressed and lonely in this reality but tries to cover it up with upbeat music. He is not a morning person and sports a sarcastic sense of humor. In Otos-chool he is seen as a nerd because of some of his hobbies, but he doesn't mind that. He doesn't mind being part of any joke, to include even if the joke is making fun of him or at the expense of others sometimes. So long as no one gets hurt, all is fair game to him.

Hikiko only wears glasses for reading really and otherwise they are for aesthetic purposes. Yasu likes the way they look on him but Takeshi on the other hand is not a huge fan and typically will take them off of him when they spend time.