Bailey Holly



4 years, 6 months ago


  • Bailey Holly

  • age 25
  • gender male
  • race hispanic
  • role therapist/guidance counsellor
  • theme

anxious • intuitive • caring


A Spanish-Italian therapist who primarily works in New York City.

Lover of gardening, animals, and the many people he holds close to heart. He lives a stressful life, yet has not a single complaint about the struggle he goes through to make others smile when no one believed they could.

"I'll be here for you every step of the way. You have my number, don't hesitate to call."

height 5'11"

build ectomorph

pronouns he/him

s.o. pansexual

dob september 22nd

sign virgo

origin unsure

occupation therapist and guidance counsellor

mbti INFP (probably)

demeanor antsy

tarot unsure

element unsure

obtained original

value NFS


  • animals
  • plants
  • affection
  • naps


  • aggression
  • pressure
  • tense atmosphere
  • loud cars


Bailey Holly has no memory of his birth parents, and has little memory of the night he was dropped off at the orphanage. However, he is haunted by the memory of waking up alone in the rotting building, forgotten as a preteen by people who he thought would fine him a new home. Bailey was frequently bullied as a child. He was very childish for hisage, and other orphans took advantage of this and how gullible he is. Three of them tricked him into play a false game of Hide and Seek on the day the orphanage was shut down. They swore to him that they would find him, manipulating him into believing that if he left his spot, he would ruin the game. One of the three recommended he hide in a room forbidden to the children, and after some convincing, he agreed, hiding in a dusty, empty closet far from the rest of the children. An hour later, the police arrested the workers there and took the kids into a real orphanage, yet Bailey was left behind. He stayed in the closet for three days, and one he stepped out of it, he discovered he was forced into solitude, and burst into sobs as he ran out the door. He wandered the streets for an unknown period of time, and was taken in by a grieving mother who lost her child weeks before. He has no grudge against the children to this day.


Now in his twenties, Bailey is comforted in his small residence in New York City, accompanied by his newly adopted cat Yui and dozens and dozens of plants. He overworks every shift, carrying the sorrow and stress of his clients home with him, and dodging sleep as if it would kill him. He's as happy as he believes he can be, and finds joy in helping others through their struggles.

Love Life

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[ lover ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Lynn Lethardt

[ biological sibling ] Brothers who were separated at the orphanage. Lynn was adopted, unlike the majority of children there. They fought to stay with Bailey, but ultimately lost the argument.



[ companion ] Yui is a Siamese cat adopted by Holly shortly after his move to New York City. They are inseperable, and Yui can barely sleep without Bailey being home.

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