Aqulia (species info)



4 years, 4 months ago


A species in my dnd/fantasy-based world. Not for adopts purposes

Aquila basics:

Aquila are born from waterfalls that fall from the sky. They are people who died with some purpose unfulfilled. In exchange for the memories of their original life, they’re given the chance to live again and finish what they left undone.

They are born from the water and gain life from it (Sort of like how eastern dragons were said to embody rivers). If they die in water, they'll be reborn. The life that they derive from the water can be put into the water in turn, although the specific effect depends on the individual. Their wings sort of represent an innate difference in them: one which makes it so that they cannot ever fully belong to the water again. Most of them are bad at swimming, but they also greatly enjoy the element that they came from.

  • If they die in water, they will be reborn in a different form depending on the kind.` 
  • It takes longer for them to revive each time they die 


Aquila are born from waterfalls that connect to a different plane of existence. These waterfalls are unreachable from the air and are surrounded by thick mists on the ground, and the number of them varies through the centuries. Any who try to reach them will find themselves lost, despite the clear roar of the waterfalls.

Aquila are only born once every couple centuries, so they were quite rare early on. Due to their almost infinite lifespans though, they have become more common over time. 

Those who become aquila are people who died with an unfulfilled purpose. In exchange for their past identity and memories, they are granted the chance to finish what they left undone. When they realize their purpose, they undergo ascension into forms that are of perfect harmony between the waters and the skies, gaining the power necessary to fulfill their purpose. 

Many aquila are unable to find their original purpose and wander the earth for multiple life times, longing for the peace of the waters from which they came. 

They are as fluid as the water from which they are born and quickly assimilate into the cultures in their place of travel. They always have an otherness about them though, so they never fit in entirely. 

When their forms are young, they can be found throughout the lands. They are always looking to see new sights while they are able. As they age, they gravitate towards areas that have clean bodies of water. Depending on the aquila’s preference, some are drawn to places of saltwater and others to places of freshwater. 

The only places where they are not found are those where the water is polluted beyond repair. These places are extremely dangerous for their kind, so they take the utmost care to avoid them. 

Physical description:

The form of an aquila is comprised almost entirely of water. They vary in the extent to which this shows though. Aquilas tend to have portions of their bodies that reveal their aquatic origins. For example, they may have translucent skin or glittering blue eyes. 

Their kind is gender-fluid, and their forms change depending on the water in which they are reborn. They don’t have control over how they look, but they usually have common themes between their lives. This can lead to outsiders mistaking them as descendants of one of their previous forms.  

They always have wings, which serve to separate them from the water in which they are born.

Aquila exist in a cycle of death and rebirth. So long as they die while in contact with water that is connected to some natural source, they will fall into a slumber and, eventually, be reborn. The rebirth takes longer each time, to the point that they may sleep for centuries before awakening again. 


Saltwater: Female

Freshwater: Male

Estuary: Varies (ex. Intersex, agender) 


They rarely come into contact with each other. When they do, they tend to not interfere with each other’s activities. They are respectful but distant, and they rarely hold verbal conversations that last longer than a few minutes. 

The individuals vary widely in their approach to other species though. 


  • They have the ability to manipulate water to varying degrees. Some are able to control and shape it, while others can breathe life into it. 
  • Their current forms can be altered if they come into contact with water. 
  • They cannot swim well because of their wings, but they enjoy spending time near/in bodies of water. 

Different abilities to manipulate water:

  • Eraseth: Has the ability to breathe life into water. They can't control the water, which has a will of its own, but they can communicate with it.