Mavis Laurent



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design notes

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Mavis Laurent, the mare who was sacrificed to the desert.

I accidentally collected a bunch of dooms-day looking stallion characters who look like they were ready to bring on the apocalypse. So I thought it would be funny to try and block their attempts at taking/destroying the world by just.. distracting them with girls and love. Cause why not. C: Teehee.

One of the first concepts is with Mavis and Icarus. Story title would be "Sacrificed to the sands". Concept I got so far is that Mavis is a halfblood of her community. Their town is being struck over and over by droughts and sandstorms. The weather and heat only getting more turbulent lately and so with enough disgruntled townsfolk the leaders had to do something. Sadly there is nothing the leaders of their town can do, as they can not control the weather. So they do the next best thing, try to appease the gods who can control the weather.

With much rowdy discussion, the town decided there needed to be a tribute sent out into the sands to serve the Sand Stallion. An old god who has lived in this landscape longer than any mortal living in this town. It's said he has a temple out in the white desert but no one can willingly find it unless he allows them. He has taken tributes before in the past so the people believe he will be willing to make a deal with them. Only thing to work out now is who will be the tribute?

After much discussion it is decided that Mavis Laurent will be nominated to the task due to the enormous amount of debt her father left behind. Now with her mother deceased in the past year leaving young adult Mavis on her own, the townfolk believe this is the only way to make it up to them.

They won't give Mavis much time to think about it. They tell her it will be happening the next sunrise and if she doesn't complete the task and bring their plea to the Sand Stallion their entire town will die of thirst and starvation. She is reluctant but in the end agrees that she will try.

And soon her new story is to come! I can't wait to doodle the Sand Stallion a little bit more and get to know Icarus himself. C: