


4 years, 9 months ago



Name Matthew Kay Thomas
Nickname/s Matt, Little Bird, Red
Age Twenty-two
DoB April 19th, 2000
Zodiac Aries
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Status Taken
Species Human?
Personality content
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Education HS Drop-out
Occupation/s Traveler
Playlist Link

"I'm dying to live."


  • star-gazing
  • video games
  • cars, and racing them
  • parkour/free-running


  • being cornered, literally or metaphorically
  • sad movies/shows
  • feeling trapped
  • hard drugs



Confident Loyal Independant Pessimistic Cynical Distant

Outwardly, Matt is all confidence and silver-tongue, charming or lying his way through anything. He's incredibly observant and read people and situations very well, and he'll use this talent to get what he wants or steer a conversation in a certain direction. He smiles a lot, laughs more, and flirts with everyone.

Behind this confident exterior, the real Matt is self-depressive, and more than little hateful. People suck, but he sucks more. There's a desire to be wanted, but the knoweldge that he doesn't deserve it. He hates to be alone, but never really lets himself get close to anyone to make friends.


Born on the north east side of the states, in a large city, Matt's father left when he was very young, and he grew up hating the man despite that his mother never blamed him. His mother was a successful surgeon, and he grew up wealthy. A mama's boy through and through, Matt always excelled in school and sports, joining the track team in middle school and continuing to win medals all through until his sophomore year in high school.

Matt was sixteen when his mother died. It was extremely sudden, and heartbreaking, and he still hasn't recovered. He inherited her house, all of her money, everything, but he felt more alone than anything. She hadn't been sick long, but it was long enough for his grades to tank and he dropped out of high school and the track team. He couldn't stand to go back home, so he wandered the streets, running drugs for a contact of his for nearly a year before pulling himself together enough to rent an apartment, lying about his age and income, until he turned eighteen when he got a real job as a barista.



Charisma 100%
Kindness 55%
Temper 60%
Integrity 25%
Courage 80%
Humor 80%


Attack 50%
Defense 20%
Magic 0%
Resistance 30%
Speed 85%
Stamina 60%


Appeal 80%
Confidence 95%
Intellect 70%
Manners 50%
Optimism 10%
Luck 60%




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For lack of a better term for it. Matt can see someome's memories via touching them for the first time. Exclusively the bad ones, though he believes he could see other ones if the emotions tied to them were strong enough. Things like the death of a loved one, a particularly bad divorce, etc. He doesn't just see them, though, he experiences them, the emotions and even physical feelings in the moment.


  • Surprisingly healthy for a human, especially one who doesn't take care of himself. No illnesses to speak of, hardly ever gets sick except for once as a baby when he almost died.
  • Absolutely terrified of needles, passed out during his first piercing.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum.




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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

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